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The stream (all workshops)

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Chimeric illusions of grandeur

Seventeen special K
vanished into thin air
in one fell swoop life savings
fraudulent fiend did clear
yours truly duped
courtesy scammer with consummate flair
rowdies in peanut gallery doth jeer
raucous insult to injury outware
any remaining shred,
where peace of mind concerned
unraveling threads feeling victimized
Harvey Specter's lobbed hand grenades
fractured, exploded, destroyed... psyche
how mean spirited and unfair.


As I yearn to live a life, reborn in an age-old tapestry,
Where thoughts entwine, and plead release, from this inhuman misery.
A lost community, of people, and land for our redemption,
With Mother Earth beneath our feet, we grew as her invention.

Yet overlords and tyrants enforced rigid state control,
And delivered us a god, to save our born anew Christian soul.
Self-affirming forgery, hides us from their transformation,
And cunning grip with iron fist serves pervasive indoctrination.

Constellations of Fear

Lost in the sound of loneliness
Sailing the straits of despair
Searching for landfall that cannot exist
Navigation by constellations of fear

Too many days and nights at the helm
No course laid, an aimless charade
Never I find a harbor that’s safe
This ocean of thoughts by which I’m betrayed

Breaking News

Caught Up in Fire

I woke up and felt like the sun
hurts a little today.
Like a parent waiting up until three.
The aftermath much too great to bear,
All that is left is a hug
to know they are still there.
Deep breaths and a whisper,
‘We will get through this.’

Afternoon Storm

Thunder rolls in from mystic places -
rumbling spirits on timpani
draped in gray cloaks and wild scarves.
A cymbal jolts the air
scattering white sparks
amid the dark.
A curtain
opens -

Tapestry of life

A window to the soul,
A true vision that is whole.
With random shapely pieces,
And jagged little creases.

Like a mix tape, so diverse,
A forward button, but no reverse.
On a journey to different places,
One with unique tapestry spaces.

With a mixture of souls,
Who have a variety of goals.
Yet each component its own part,
At the core of life's beating heart.

Piercing rays of truth

The piercing rays of the solstice sun
Burning the truth into my heart
My decadent ways have my health on the run
Now is the time to start

Now is the time to watch my intake
I've a mountain I need to climb
I need my resolve as strong as I can make
If success is truly to be mine

In a few weeks I start my ascent
Starting treatment to cure the disease
Finding my focus is the first event
My thoughts are like leaves on the breeze

The succulence of extraordinary

Nothing is ordinary,
Unless you choose to ignore
The succulence of extra-ordinary -

When each spoon fits the perfection
Of teacups, or the warmth of mouths,
And soup ladles curve, cradling broth,
Dipping like swans’ necks into painted bowls
Steaming with nourishment -

Nothing is ordinary,

Not when you remember hands engrained
With dirt and hardship,
Working the stiff and strength of clay,
Fingers learning the flesh of the stuff,


She’s a rose as lovely as a summer breeze,
my angel, dancing 'neath the woodland trees.
Like a lily, pure and white as fallen snow,
a bloom of breathless beauty, all aglow.

This gleaming goddess girl with a heart of gold,
sweet signorina for my arms to hold.
She’s blessed with those pouting lips I long to kiss.
A magic maiden who without I’d miss.

Flesh Over Bones

I am only flesh over bones

Trying my best to get along

Gets harder every day I try

Each day another part of me dies

The pain I feel always exceeds

The love I want, the love I need

Each night more and more tears fall

I find it hard to answer mornings call

I try to exist in the world I live in

A life I find hard each day to defend

My will is weak, my strength gone

I am only flesh over bones


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.