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Once Upon a Time... Neopoet Challenge.

Once upon a time
I was a strong young lad
I had muscles and my health
Opportunities to be had

There were things I loved to do
I've done a lot of things, I guess
But youthfulness and headstrong ways
Made my life a goddamned mess

I overdid, and underperformed
I was a cat out on the prowl
I fought with bigger dogs
Roared... damn, I had a growl

Sometimes, I was a winner
Just as often, I was losing
I wouldn't slow my ass down
Take my time in choosing

My Poem of Protest

Can we learn anything about our human fate,
As Luddites and Saboteurs will we fight our corner?
The hottest temperatures reached, now too late,
We can’t allow the earth to grow any warmer.

Shall we battle the machine with a wooden clog?
Or rage against this rule of deadly damage.
Can we remove the wool binding eyes in fog?
We build equality, not commercial advantage.

A Long Goodbye

The tapestry of life we wove
Together thread by thread,
Now seems to tell a different tale
As I lay here in our bed.

The pictures on the walls
Show all the fun we knew,
All the happy times we shared
As our family thrived and grew.

I see you as when we were young
And I long to live those days,
Before the changing tides of time,
Caught us in its waves.

The music and the laughter
The joys of being with you,
Have left me blessed beyond compare,
Now loving memories will have to do.

Love of Phantom

His voice
soft, gentle mesmerizing,
pleading with me to rise above,
loneliness filling the urgency.

I awake, "where am I?"
the only light is of
hundreds of luminescent candles
there is music, the music of the night

and he is there my angel of music
inside, a part of what he has made of me
I'm lost within the seductiveness of his voice.

It is not pity I feel
when I gaze upon him
but a deep longing
to learn the mysteries
And yet I feel fear


There is no safe place for me
Excepting the corners of my mind
So I retreat there often
In futile attempts to unwind

But there I am bombarded
By a battery of my own thoughts
Imprisoned by dissatisfaction
Which all my life I’ve fought

I need emotional stimulation
The kind that’s hard to buy
The kind society won’t understand
The kind whose absence makes me cry

If I had known when I was conceived
What a circus it would be
I’d have given up right then
And never become “me”

Panic Breathing




Repeat until
you feel
your body

Lingo perplexity

Heard the expression
so and so is feckless
a put down I guess
but not sure I get this

For aside from the Irish
who say what the feck
Erin slang replacing “u” with an “e”
as a way to avoid being rude or disgusting
when someone makes the assessment
that someone is feckless
it just begs the question
what the heck is feck

They Never Fade

Is crying the answer to thoughts?

Is it a way to escape from reality or to ignore it entirely?

Torment, reality, a difference one can not see,

I Am Done

I am done walking the jungle
Like the pilgrim of the southern
On the pebbles of the river
Under the shadow of the trees
In comfort of the smelling grasses
That drenched with cow-dungs in the scorching sun
I rode the crest of the wave of the pleb,
When cloud overcasted
When nobody would give me a piggyback,
A ragtag boy singing alone,
Splashed the puddles and smashed down the weeds
When I ran like a late school boy.

A New Wardrobe

Thrown into the flames
By the riven grasp of my behaviors
No more

Standing fast at the inviting hearth
My shadows grow behind me
Pushing me closer to the fire

Callous clutches strive for control
I fight to keep my own cognition
Self awareness escapes me when I am not myself

Alone is how I feel
My wardrobe consists of a single cloak of invisibility
Completely naked and vulnerable
or altogether unseen
This is my daily attire
Neither is fashionable


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