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22 (Pure machinery)

At this point,
i am convinced I am a machine.
Synthetic man, unheard and unseen.
How badly i wish
I was clean.
Like an old computer caked in dust,
That never seems
to come completely off.
Surviving is a must.
Wake up.
go to sleep.
routines that never end
and code that circles into itself.
Go to the store.
Wash your face.
Hope that someday, somehow, some way
You'll get out of this fucking place
taking care of myself.
in the shower again.
Scrub. scrub.

Twin Flame

To me my sweetheart you are a moment of bliss,
You are true perfection sealed in a kiss,
The epitome of love enchanted and refined,
I adore your soul, heart, body, spirit and mind.

Your spiritual essence is of idealisms fire,
And effortless grace of such subliminal desire,
Evoking such wonder through the starlight in your eyes,
Of such majestic pride and courage from deep inside.

Time is Precious

People say that this time
will pass away on its own,
but what should I tell them?
In the end of patience, and in the journey of patience,
many boats sink and get scattered.
But But But one should not lose hope and chant hare Krishna maha mantra.

Down The Road

I am heading down a road

From which there is no return

I feel the night as it approaches

As my mind, it starts to burn

Temptation pulls me to the side

Its attraction it is so strong

The lure is more powerful

Ever since you have been gone

I feel the disappointment inside

It cuts me like a knife to the bone

I cannot rise up above it anymore

It will just not leave me alone

This road is a very desolate long one

And I know that one day it must end

When the pain and sorrow overwhelm me

Sunday Morning... July Challenge

The gentle cluck of chickens
Distant bark of a shepard dog
The famer's low voice hyupping
Coming through the valley's fog

Splitting wood... kachunk, a rattle
Coffee smells and sweet corn bread
Wash yourselves and wake up
Come on boys, get out of bed

Breakfast of eggs and sausage
The fruit of orchard on toast
The morning just getting on, son
This is a time I love the most


The moments before I boarded the Greyhound bus,
I did not know those would be the most precious.
The last time I would hold my father’s hand,
Or hear my name across a Walmart floor.

When the door closed my aunt’s prayers carried me through.
I did not know I would lose more than one
each year,
My surrogate mothers would up and just disappear.

At each stop I was losing more than the miles from which I started.
Shedding the cocoon that nestled and nurtured me.
Seasons became colder and Christmas seemed farther away.

I was lucky

A far away I came
to this land
of opportunity
known as America
with an empty-handed
claim as a refugee
Through the
embrace of
the lady statue of Liberty
she opened her arms
with grace and humanity
in welcoming me
Into her diverse home
Instilled me with
the meaning of freedom
inspiring me to pursue
for my dreams
reaching for the
potential goals
and never give up
I owe much to her
for the hope
that it was given
filled me with a

Intense Feelings

Though weary cracks may appear,
and like burning coals they start to sear.
Acutely twisting the knife, that little bit more,
All intending to settle my moody score.

Designed to open up scars that are so deep,
They bring forth tears, that see me weep.
As well as creating a cloud that fogs my mind,
In a multitude of ways, so cruel and unkind.

And try as I may, to find a way,
To escape this madness, and live day to day.
Struggling to push these feelings out, all the while,
I try to paint on a fakery kind of smile.

primary idiopathic palmar/
palmoplantar hyperhidrosis
despite taking Glycopyrrolate
2 MG Tablet three times daily.


Two were born that day
Had the very same image
And the same blood type

Having the same DNA
Personalities differ
Choices not alike

Each had their own goals
Choosing different life paths
Still viewed as alike

Buying same loved things
Often having the same dreams
Without knowing it

Although different
Twins inwardly share like thoughts
But not like actions


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