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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



The leaves are changing colors,
The days are getting shorter,
The air is getting chilly,
Fall is here to stay.

The pumpkin patches are full,
The apple cider's flowing,
The falling leaves are dancing,
As the winds begin to blow.

The skies are turning grey,
The birds are flying south,
The clouds are rolling in,
It's a fall of change and growth.

The trees are losing their leaves,
The days are getting darker,
The nights are getting cooler,
Fall is here to stay.


They are afraid for me during these times
I sit and stare at space within my mind
During these times so surely I am tried
The times during minutes unoccupied

Find then the dream she's truly only mine
Math is simply boring the curves and lines
If we had only known its silent way
Would never feel this emptiness each day

I look outside and in my mind I see
Jessy riding windswept across from me
Unicorn she rides, royal blue and striped
Licorice reins, braided mane (she is hyped)


Benedictus sum a Deo, et tu .

Window to the red house

His small palms inside her secret pocket. He smiles, but She hates it. How different people get to know the touch.
It's small, delicate, impulsive. Like walking, shoes onto the floor, step curiously to the window.
Our little red riding hood :)

Near L.A

I gazed upon the mirror,
And saw flashing cameras,

New age, new world, new order,
Prada, Versace, Dolce and Gabbana,

Iconic like you one day,
Sipping on Moët

Daydreaming on a yacht
Somewhere, probably near LA.

The flickering sunlight,
Which beamed and gleamed,
Was in fact
The square bulbed mirror,

A broken fluorescent-

And you're just an adolescent,
In an old market town,

Wearing someone's hand-me-downs,
Like everyone else
In this monotonous town.

Perception's Lie

You spy a glimpse of her,
the happiest girl
Her smile so strong,
as she begins to twirl
Dancing with friends,
she never feels alone
Until you notice,
she never goes home

She sits in class and keeps her head down
Until someone says her name, she'll look around
Only to find it's just those boys
Mocking her, joking, always messing around


The girl kissed a boy, the boy was quiet.
The boy kissed a girl, the girl was quiet.
Quiet in love, hands together.

I do love that picture :)

Thus writer of these words
forever mus lee experiencing
craving to eat cheese,
a milk product
eternally preserved within
annals, chronicles, epistles,
et cetera of human civilization
and it's discontents
analogous viz ode (old)
as time itself and lustressly
buttressed on a Grecian Ode frieze
linkedin to Sosibios Vase inductees.

Special Announcement

I'd like to announce that I have published my first novel, The Price of Justice, and it is now available for pre-order on Amazon and KPD for only $4.99!

If you have any questions or would like me to supply more information, please feel free to contact me! Find more information at TheSPryor on Writco, ShelbyGPryor on Tumblr, and TikTok @Morgan280624. Please don't hesitate to dm me for more information.

"The Price of Justice description."



Alone at this old desk, gazing out
From inside this empty classroom
Looking at the world denied to me
Through that smeary window I see
Living a life where I could be free
But in here it feels just like a tomb
Out of touch, and no rules to flout


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