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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



I long to stroke the silence, cloaking earths curve,
My hand I stretch to reach you, straining every nerve.
In caress and cruelty, you fade and rise each day,
My love cries to celebrate, your celestial display.

The time you’re with me, riffling my every thought,
As colour fades, you expand, now I’m forever caught.
By tiny pricks of light please show me I am here,
In curve of lover’s smile, gentle shadows appear.

Challenge, Meeting A Caveman

I saw something I could not believe
A creature designed to deceive

I saw it from afar
And headed for my car

I snuck a peek through my window
Covering my face with a pillow

Wow I was so very scared
It seemed that no one cared

Then it finally came to me
It was not a caveman that I see

It was my loving little queen
Simply celebrating Halloween
Editing stage:
Editing - rough draft


A way to live longs for a way to love,
Utmost reverence for the source of life,
Love paves paths, only with the whispers of light,
In this realm, in this race, we're sheeps bearing lamps,
Love and light, poisons to cross life's line

Love and light, two rights in our sights,
Learn not to love only, bear some light,
For Darkness pounces on weapons not so bright,
Sinister cowards, they who for love fight,
When their taste buds are strangers of light
Love and light, hope in eerie nights

Love Letter To The Sky

Wrap me in blankets of cloudy wonder
Heal my soul by moon's effervescent light
Cradle my insecurities
Hear my plight

Exhausted from fighting too many wars
Let my spirit float between the planets
Holding on to the tail of a comet
Lulling me to sleep amongst the stars

Kiss me with hope
For the taste of love's poison lingers
Restore my faith
Give me reason to cope

Catch me as I'm falling
Back to the world below
Safely within your grasp
I'm not ready to let go

discombobulated, harried, and lobotomized
state of body, mind, and spirit triage.

Onset of dark shadows signalling edge of night
occurs earlier as the world turns
beckoning, hinting, robbing passage
regarding days of our lives,
where the young and the restless,
plus the bold and the beautiful
exhibit variations on a theme
titled one life to live.


Success is not a major event
It may simply be a present
Success exists in many ways
Sometimes not so pleasant
Actions that exist throughout our days

It could be a long awaited kiss
By people that we really miss
Success could also be a wish
Fulfilled in ways that create bliss
As simple as a favorite dish

Success exists in our mind
It exists in thoughts we find
Words that are so snappy
Actions that are so kind
Everyday actions that are so happy

My Words

At my worst, I am my biggest enemy.
Crippled by old wounds, misguided daggers spewing from my mouth.
Their only desire is to cut through the tranquility of my surroundings, ensuring the sudden jolt of a slammed door and a heated dispute.
If I tape my mouth will these thoughtless ramblings be silenced?
What does it take for me to see past the core ramblings of my words into the hurt that it hurls at others, plastering a look of disappointment across their faces?
My ramblings are a reflection of what I protect myself from.


Look at me, I'm broken,
So full of hatred, bile and gall.
Deep Regret for words not spoken,
Hiding behind a metaphysical wall.

A life full of empty dramas,
Wishing my life over, gone and away.
Lay sobbing in last week's pyjamas,
Wishing I'd begged for you to stay.


I fix people because I can't fix myself
What's broken inside, can't find no help
I'm a fixer that's just the way I am wired
Fixing things is how I cope

I take on the burdens of others
I try to see what's really there
I carry and carry and carry
And it's all because I can't repair

My own inner struggle and pain
That I keep tucked away
No one can see it, no one can know
So I search for something to save

In Winter

In winter, as the freezing mist
floats friendless ‘cross the frozen field,
I lay down lonely and unkissed,
and to my dread depression yield.

The shrouded, silent, silver sun
stands still, or so it seems to me.
And in my mind I dare to run
away from God’s eternity.

By noon, when dreary darkness falls,
I hear a soulful singing bird.
From tree to tree the creature calls.
He hopes, by one, he will be heard.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.