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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Loss of Hope

Another day, I promise myself
Better things are on the way
Sometimes it's the only thing
That makes me want to stay

Pull the knives from my back
Collapsed, so weak I can barely stand
Bleeding out from all the sin
Someone take the blade from my hand

Trapped inside these walls
Be your own hero, so I'm told
Searching, looking for a way out
But every turn falls cold

When The Moon Hangs Blue (revised)

When the moon hung blue
in the moody sky,
I attached all my hopes
to your whispered promises.
Softly articulated lies
like rose petals hiding
cruel thorns of veracity.
Blind to the truth,
I heard and saw no more than
what I needed at the time.
You made it so easy
with your inviting smiles
of warm desire fashioned
for only me, the object
of all your pent up passion.
You bade me welcome
to wade into your
warm waters of seduction.
Gladly, I followed where you led.

Our Poor Democracy

Our poor democracy, so broken and bent
Its hopes and dreams, so long since spent
What once was free, now so corrupt
The people's voice, should now erupt

The privileged few, still standing tall
While the rest of us, feel so small
The future of our nation, so far away
Our children, their dreams, so far astray

Our leaders, so out of touch
Their words, a lie, so often clutch
The people, so desperate and in need
Their cries, no one hears, their hearts bleed


Infectious words
Hit the scene
Health experts
Demand quarantine

Mobs of spectators
Ask if there is
Any hope in antivirals?
Fix those DNA spirals.

Now experts reply.
With everyone we try
Deadly virus will
Quickly multiply

Best stay indoors
Hit the damn floors
it can walk through
Padlocked doors

They suggest
A crash course
In viral warfare.
If you are asking
They don’t fight fair.

I will re-learn

How to smile again.

All this cold rain,
will become beautiful again.

All this,
will drench me in righteousness.
My enemies,
will dance with me.
We will all-
re-find versions of ourselves,
that are, our alternate,yet, purer selves.

I'm doing it
for all of us.

When I bleed,
My blood is red.
Your blood is red.
My grief carries the same colour. AS YOURS.
The same aura.

Night of the gigantic burrito's

Night of the gigantic burritos!


Shout out to all the haters
Those who said I couldn't
Here's to those who say
That I can't or I shouldn't

I'd like to extend my gratitude
To those who've put me down
Without them I'd never know
To keep smiling without a sound

Kudos to everyone who said
I would never make it this far
They fueled my fire and now
I'm burning bright as a star

They've given me a reason
More people to prove wrong
Turns out that my enemies
Were my biggest fans all along

Holding Cell

Dreams shattered, scattered
Shards of broken glass
Stained in the blood
From ghosts of lifetimes past

This place is not a home
But a holding cell
Invisible bars upon the window sills
The warden's special hell

Cut the noose from around my neck
Break the chains that bind
Let the darkness engulf me
Nothing left to find

Take the life out from me
Steal my final breath
Your name fresh on my lips
The sweet relief of death

Who am I

Who am I? This question rages in my head
Do I wear the mask of good or consider this wicked?
One half of me is light, some would even say meek
I'm polite and caring; I strive to speak sweet
I wish upon a star and have faith in fate
But for a knight on white horse I no longer wait


The Norfolk coast is haunted by the sea
as many towns have fallen in its path,
their houses buried deep within the sand
the lives they held now broken by the waves.
The tide that wins each battle with the land
leaves ghostly echoes of a world not free.

The wind upon the Wash blows hard and free,
it often howls like wolves across the sea
and savages its way onto the land.
There are no trees that can stand in its path
as it is just as brutal as the waves
that crash way out upon the waiting sand.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.