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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


True Hope

True hope
My family
Precious gift from heaven
Giving me full encouragement

Three Sentence Breakup

You were content knowing someone
would be there with you in the morning.

I found calm in knowing
it would have to end
between misplaced hearts.
Cinders burning without flame.


Tucked amid undainty coo
Red-tufted swiftlets preen the dew
Her growing ever earthwise sure
Reveals an Eve of musculature
2 parts water
1 part to joke with
And kisses smearingly she spoke with

The Family Holiday Table

While turkeys are roasting
With stuffing within;
There’s dining room magic
Outside the kitchen.

A table is set there
With linens and lace;
And all of the silver
Is polished and placed.

The centerpiece features
A dazzling display
Of lovely red coneflowers
In wondrous array.

Each setting has name card
In front of each plate;
And all of the crystal
Has wine glass for mate.

The napkins are silken
In rings with a fold;
Where each band is sterling,
With rims that are gold.

Something I Want To Say

Well, here we are again, just you and me.
I don't know how many times we've talked,
I suppose it's in the tens of thousands.

This time I have something I want to say.
Something that I've meant to say so often
yet, found that the time was never right.

Here it is: I love you, and your endless beauty.
I have loved you rain or shine, night and day.
Each new day I love you more, if that is possible.


Go Blank

I love being alive but it’s so hard
But why should it be hard
It shouldn’t be its just life
Live it
I don’t understand myself
Or anyone else I’m alone
But free of myself
I should love myself
But I’m hard to love
It’s okay
I love you anyway
Or I should love you anyway
Pian is just a feeling, emotion, in your head, nothing to hold significance

Day Dreams

When I was young, I'd often daydream,
Of places far away I'd like to be,
Where I could explore and find adventure,
Where I could do all that I could see.

I'd dream of forests filled with life,
Of mountains and valleys that stretched wide,
Of rivers and streams and oceans so deep,
Of creatures and sights I'd never tried.

Justice and Injustice!

A fire burned on the hill that night!
Shots rang out and flames burned bright.
Moses cried as he held his son.
Who was found in the arms of the slaver’s wife.
He sat there weeping in the dark.
Haunting memories swept through his mind.
Fear and anger filled his eyes.
There was no balm for him that night.
To quell the fire, he felt inside.
His son lay dead. His heart was broken.
He started for the old plantation.
Across the crick and through the door.
He made it to the master's quarters.


She has the prettiest little face,
She has the cutest nose
But most of all the bits I love
Are her wriggly little toes.

Meeting a Caveman...

He looked about the room
turned his smile on her
Those big, brown eyes, they flashed
she saw a ripple in his fur

Hypnotized by caveman magic
she surrendered to his charms
Took vows of matrimony
and fell into his arms

He drags her by the hair each night
has his way with her
She teaches him to party hearty
and she calls him Sir

He's a caveman, yes, a throwback type
he's just a little crude
But he's got more than boyfriend before
and you should see him nude


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