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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Aging (Getting Older)

Growing older, life's magic starts to show
The world opens up, and its secrets we now know.
But with each passing day, our colors dull
Youthful vibrance replaced by a muted lull.

Coffee has become our new daily drink
Staying energized, it's our new link.
No more rebelling, we want to stay
Inside, where it's safe, our minds are at bay.

But with age comes pain, and love that's true
Days of joy mixed with moments of blue.
The bad days seem to outnumber the good
But we kept moving, as we knew we should.


Mustangs bravely dance.
Silhouettes against a pale gray sky.
Running to find cover
thunderheads in sight.
Destination in the distance
the Silverado mine.
There upon the hillside
a poacher he reclines.
He loads his 30/30.
To meet the feral equine.
The matriarch she whinnies
The herd all know her sign.
They sprint across the desert.
To a place that they can hide!
The desolate Nevada
to safety just in time!

Getting Old (some language)

I've accepted that life is a dance
I've spoken in romance and rants
but physically speaking
my joints are a'creaking
I'm leaking and shitting my pants

so, I keep near to places with loos
and dry myself out drinking booze
it's a hell of way
to fritter a day
you could say it's a way to amuse

and I guess that I'm less of a catch
than a slob or a dolt or a letch
getting old is a beast
oh, I'm moldy and creased
but at least I'm not Obi the Wretch!

Golden Leaves of life

In the autumn
vibrant decorate
form the radiant
beauty view
Wind dance in
a softly sway
In the sunlight
aglow carry through
the divine scene
A brilliance display
of the falling green
trees and flowers
are losing their color
Life continues to move on
resonate the thought
of resilience remind
learning lessons instilled
in the mind
Strength finds in change
with the wisdom to embrace
of nature guiding light
Leading with an
inspiration of golden

Everything, A Poem

Everything is a poem.

Rain on the picnic table.
The curve of the cat's tail.
Loose fringe dangling from the pillow.

Therein lies a poem.

White cream fusing with coffee.
Shirt buttons tapping the inside of the dryer.
Shoes resting from yesterday.

It all flows together --

hues of emotions,
watercolors of feelings
rising above their canvas.

Everything, a poem.


The silent swish of the corn
Dancing to the breeze out in the field
The round bellies of the autumn children
Their laughter and play
The dances in the sunshine

But what about these children of autumn
What about the horrible realization they're about to come to
Do they know that this autumn must  soon end?
That these seasons come and go?

Measure of Time

Tick-tock the clock.
Tiny hands spinning
minutes into hours.
Life's cyclical song.

Down, down the rabbit hole,
the hours turn into days.
One second, you're young and full of promise,
the next you're waiting to die.


Hello this is 911 whats
Your emergency?. Hello
I need help I live at address
redacted ! I seen a man carving

up a dead body he observed me
and then started sprinting after
me. OK mam what does he look
like Spanish, black, Caucasian?

I don't no please help me!
It was pitch black I couldn't
See ! everything is blurry

OK mam we're is he now?
He's outside trying to kick the
Door In. I ran upstairs to hide
In the closest.

Silent words

Soft Whispers with friends
Often creates emotion
Betrayal at its best

Black hole (Gaia BH2)

They said her name was Gaia,
blackened hollow eye.
From somewhere out in time and space
she whispered through the night.
Dark and sullen lullabies
which filled expansive space.
Demon of the universe
A shadow hid her face.
I saw her once while in a trance,
across the milky way.
devourer of stars and matter
designed to free up space,
in fear I watched her day by day
from Hubble's telescope
To find that she did nothing more,
than loiter there in space!


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.