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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


My Wife Superhero

For she is the embodiment of all that's good,
A light that shines so bright,
My wife, my super hero,
Forever my guiding light.

In her eyes, I a world of dreams,
Where possibilities know no end,
She lifts me up when I stumble and fall,
My eternal partner and best friend.

Absolute deafening silence...

during and after a moderate snowfall
today January 19th, 2024,
within Southeastern Pennsylvania
and elsewhere across the Eastern Seaboard,
whereby blanket of whiteness
muffles sounds of civilization.

A Short List of Small Healings

Her smile in the morning when she rises,
sleep still in her eyes, and tells me she slept well.
Her face framed in perfectly disheveled hair.

Pictures in frames, echoing smiles
that stay with me. Even though some are gone,
leaving scars I’ve learned to live with,
with or without the assist of the still images.

And the newest one for this list:
Our puppy, sniffing around for just the right place,
finally learning to lift his leg to pee!

Where I Grew Up

Take me back to my place called home.

I grew up in a rural town, with no stores around for miles. I grew up in sticky summers, grass constantly clinging to my feet and my tongue permanently stained blue from the popsicles I went through (the obviously superior alternative to water).

In The Field

fresh snow

yesterday's footprints
are forgiven in white

I hesitate to
leave the house -

to disrupt the
new and pure

but once
in the field

I am joy.

Brave Brothers One And All

The ribbons and the medals
Are meant to tell a hero's tale,
The stars of bronze and silver
Give note to bravery as well.

Come the brave young airman
At the age of only twenty two,
His citations spoke of courage
And the medals that were due.

My buddies and my brothers
At attention they did stand,
As the colonel awarded medals
He saluted then shook my hand.


Beautiful pastel tulips
red, pink, yellow and white
standing tall in rainy fields
windmills spin in sight
skies are often cloudy
but when blue skies reappear
sunshine fills the atmosphere
to reveal the tulip fields

The Boss

My favorite person in my life
Is my very long loving wife
She has kept me from a loss
Now I know she is really the boss

A Clerihew

Dame Judi Dench
Never sat on a bench
To learn her lines
She said bed was just fine.

Snow Globes

Send a message by the air currents
whisper it through the storm.
Find my true companion's ear
through thick flakes I see his form.

Tween him and I, an ocean of snow
through the whim of an unknown djinn
His snow globe turned over, upside down
I'm not conquered, I'm going to win

So many nights, all spent alone
gone without a month of sowing
A lengthy time, harshly pronounced
buried in narcotics of knowing


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