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Fox tail

Hey pidge
he called out loud
come down to the ground
I've made you some tea
and some seed cake to boot
I've spared no expense
now how do you do?
I just want to be friends
spend some quality time
this fine afternoon
pidge sat there thinking
wondering what she should do
would it hurt if she entreated him
for a moment or two
her feathers in a ruff
she took a chance that afternoon
but that wiley old fox
knew just what to do
pidge flew right down
within a yard or two


I see the black in your eyes
And the red in your face
Your teeth grinding

All I hear is ringing
From the high pitched screech
Coming from your throat

Fists balled
Shoulders tense.
All the signs
Of a threatened animal

Though I walk in your shadow
I do not fear you.

You are but a tiny ant under my heel
A gnat in my ear.

Worth It

Worth It
Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

I hear the message
Like I simply chose a jaded perspective
They say I must find the silver lining
Not bring it up and every time I feel something

But dammit, I did years of silence and a straight face
And there was no lesson in all of that pain
All you did was take from me
Everything that I could be

Faded to time

Pitifully Passing
his prime
thrusted through
the pain filled
passage of time .
Just to find himself
solemnly slipping
out of his
element . Sullenly
His time towards
turning the

Underway, U.S.S. Garcia, In Heavy Seas

Mount the flying bridge
Sea mountain buries fo’c’sle
Salt spray drenches me.

Stern breaks from water
Prop revolves unimpeded
Entire ship vibrates.

Bow hangs o'er wave edge
Crashes into tossing sea
Feel it judder in.

Walk the passageway
Sense yourself rise rapidly
Eyes say you did not.

Climb berthing ladder
Both hands gripping the handrails
Time last step with rise.

Climb into your rack
Shutter your eyes to the lie
Stomach gets a break.

In the upper floor of a two level Duplex
Norma and I did reside, together alone.
Her arrival at just past six a.m.,
Getting ready for school, I bemoaned;

I wanted to "move," Get the Hell out
find someplace not haunted," too late
sister Kathryn and family moved in below,
I fear the meaning of the words on the slate.

To Norma, I said: "This house is haunted
by a vile and murderous black soul!"
I did not think she would believe me
She hushed me hard, saying, "yes I know!"

Up Off The Chair

The Stones -
my mind untamed
feet hit the floor...
gotta have more.

The Stones -
my soul inflamed,
baffled cat fled
beneath the bed.

The craze -
fly across rooms,
jump into bass...
still need more space!

The fierce
gaga exhumes!
Wild as I am...
I've hit the jam!

Walls shake,
move like a quake,
I'm wide awake -
it's make-or-break!

Lord, saaave my bones!
The Rolling Stones!


She ponders where her penned life went,
words and seasons already spent,

like love sonnets from Italy,
cached into faded potpourri.

Her muse now wanders down a lane
of wild bramble, veiled and arcane.

Verses, lost, gently stepped aside.
Many moved on, while some have died.

Ardent thoughts, now seem less than prime,
perhaps they sense they're past their time.

Still, many lovely rhymes remain
as she ambles on down her lane...

Close to the edge!

Close to the edge!

I am no more or no less

I am no more or no less

I am no more or no less
Than the laughter made from a smile between friends
I am no more or no less
Than my history, if my memories will not let me forget

As I become more I hope, I can become less subtracting form the memories of regret
I remember that each smile had no purpose beyond the purity of a friend ship
In this purity, I find the reminiscence that I am more than memories in any heart regrets


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