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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



It is approaching
People are preparing
Some are still hustling
To make it to that evening
A eve worth remembering
Gifts bought are everlasting
To cite is their heartwarming
It is an eve of late snuggling
Couples play a pillow fighting
Voices are mute only soughing
Their promises are mind-blowing
They promise heavenly camping

© Nyok M. Mareng


Spools of wavy tendrils in raven
Shouldered hair a smooth photogenic
face like a pebble caressed by the

silk mirrored stream. Eyes delightful,
vulnerable, beautiful spirals and walnut
choclate eyes with silky Beetle leg

lashers. Who knew she was a complete
Pyscho? five foot nothing full of hate neglect
a kitchen handle wedged in my chest a punch

from the devil a cruel curve breaking her face
satisfied my soul drifting away into the next plain.
She took my fading light that never shined like

There very well should have been a warning sign
outside 2714 Girard Ave North proper, it would be
so germane for every word of my tale, every line
is as true as the colors of the variegated sky.

Living there through four of my growing years
I have the stressful emotional and mental scarring
that accrued with the shedding of many pent up tears
tears of glowering wrath and hopeless piteous pain.

Out in the country

Out in the country,

You’ll see them flock together,
I’ve seen the sandhill cranes pass,
In groups of three, often many more,

Curious and primeval,
With a guttural bugling
That signals all, of their presence.

You’ll notice them high in the sky,
Barely within eyesight,
Or just passing overhead,

Flying to their habitual nightly roost.

These ancient birds, seemingly unafraid,
of any impending danger,

The Bureau

It stands in the corner
And its made of teak
Even now
It can make her feel weak.
sliding door at the bottom
And a flap that drops down.
Even now sometimes she frowns
If you opened that bureau
Thats made of teak
Yould catch the scent
Of a memory
You'd never know
of the secrets it speaks.
It would tell of ink and stationery
And of things forbidden
And show a place
Where The Ruler was hidden.
Hand outstretched
Head up defiant
Looking up to him


I dreamed an Angel came to me
Wings as dark as night,
Eyes that sparked like diamonds,
Teeth of hound dog white.

Each night I see this angel
No words she speaks to me,
Enfolds me in her soft black wings
Breathes soft warm sleep on me.

Soft wings that hold me gently.
Full breasts that feed me life.
Smooth hands with nails like talons.
They pierce me as a knife.

In dreams alone I see her
Feel her sit astride.
Then I awake in anguish,
Alone. None by my side.

Supper Waits

"You've gotta ride that little black train
that's comin' in the night."
Woody Guthrie ~

Seldom that a train travels southwest.
Most times it's headin' northeast onto
Chicago or such.
But today, I hear its deep call far
behind me, as my dog and I
walk alone through these fields,
borders tucked alongside the tracks.

Half Past Midnight

Half past midnight on this black night.
All is quiet, perhaps too quiet, as a little
noise might be a welcome diversion.

Your pillow resting just below the sill,
still unoccupied as it has been for
three long weeks, nearly four.

Your letter, just two short lines,
said you needed space but you
would phone. The wait continues.

I don't know where you are and
I'm not sure you know either.
Patience is a virtue; but not mine.

Which acknowledgement ought to be year round,
similar to altruistic, humanistic, and philanthropic
unconditional acceptance and respect
crafted with the following words
mostly written January 23rd, 2023,
cuz I, (a sexagenarian married Caucasian male)
get goose bumps when learning
about individuals, (whose skin color
spans the color spectrum)
contributed invaluable positive deeds
(not necessarily done dirt cheap),
yet impacted civilization in general,
and yours truly in particular

Big boots

Wandering listlessly
through sunshiny days
our hearts are bethrothed
to petulant play
neglecting the need of
our brother in the fray
selfishly we hope for
a more effectual way
in which we might serve
in better display
neglecting the truth
that today is the day
to put on our big boots
and be on our way!


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.