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Daylight savings time more'n minute effect on me

In 2024, daylight savings time will begin at two o'clock ante meridiem on Sunday, March tenth. That will mean losing an hour of precious sleep and moving the clocks (around your house, and sundry frequented places) forward one hour, though your cell phone, computer, and television plus other electronic devices will likely automatically adjust. The sun will appear to rise and set an hour later.

Absolutely beautiful

With the winter sky, snowflakes fall.
The trees, soldiers stand strong and tall.
The snowy hare, in it's burrow lies.
Counting the days till Spring arrives
Then carefully she creeps, out on the green,
to nibble succulent delicious things.
Soon a litter of kittens arrives.
Then for four months she will stay at their side.
When off the kits run, to form other pairs.
To have babes of their own in their own cozy lair.

To My Monarch and Her Milkweed

You begin so tiny, My Little One,
just a whisper of an egg on a Milkweed leaf.
But there you are, mellow, yellow, and striped,
delicate, yet somehow stoic
as you tenderly dream.

Soon pillar, pillar Caterpillar, off you go!
to eat, and eat the Milkweed leaf, its welcoming
home, almost yours alone, guarding and
protecting you with
its milky cream.

Strong suspicion a 2024 presidential win...

for the trumpeting don
spells loss for democracy
after inauguration day
witnesses his swearing-in
nepotism will run rampant
lawlessness the name of the game
of thrones breaking apart ramparts
of inalienable rightful
freedoms rent sunder, whereby nothin
can stop formidable has-been
former forty fifth commander in chief
to wreak havoc giving boogeymen
run for his money.


So I will shinobinaku.
I look away and answer you
“No, I'm just fine. Tired, I guess.”
Holding my breath I wait, suppress
The waterfall behind my eyes
I cover leaks with easy lies,
“I chopped an onion.” “Allergies.”
“My eyes just water when I sneeze.”
“I have a cold.” “I got some dirt
Inside my eyes.” Not “I am hurt-”
“I am lonely-” “I am scared-”
“I am lost and unprepared-”
“I am depressed-” “I'm so tired-”
I am just such a good liar
When it comes to how I feel.

Another day

Geese in flight,
on a winters night,
Making their way
towards the dawn's
breaking light.
As hues of beauty
dance and play,
the northern lights,
in honorific display
for many long years
she has gazed at the sky
Inducing a tear
in the old woman's eye.
Slowly, she bows
her head and cries
Emotion well spent
for the beauty of life.

Ramming Speed!

Unfortunately, the swing sets and
Softball field were down hill from school.
Where daily dramas were played out
under the eyes of an appointed fool.

A pop fly ended our turns at bat
deciding the ending of this game.
We gathered up our softball gear to go
back up to school, like any day, the same.

I was the last kid to dust off and go,
I spotted Carlotta Forbes, up mid hill.
A boulder in a dress blocking me in my path
It was assured one of us would take a spill...

My favorite pet

Soft, cuddly
Purring, napping, playing
My precious feline friend

Turns Out You’re Everywhere (Even in The Stars)

I spread out my blanket and laid down on the ground.
I stared up at the stars,
Not looking for anything, just with my thoughts.

The stars danced around until they looked like you.
They had your same cheesy smile,
Your same bright eyes,
Your same curly hair.

I closed my eyes only to reopen them
And see that you were still there.

You asked what was wrong,
Said maybe I could talk to you about it.
I told you to go away.

You reached out to caress my face from the galaxies
And I turned away.

Mother Nature To Her Children.

For eons I've protected you
nurtured, fed, given all;
My undivided loyalty was yours,
how have you repaid?.

Once, long ago I had your respect
you took what you needed, no more,
no less.
You thanked me and praised me.

But now, and I know not why,
through stupidity, avarice or both
you have taken advantage.
For affluence, prestige, luxury,

You have ravaged and raped me.
Your mother;
no respect,
no thought.


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