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"THE COLTSFOOT"(Tussilago farfara !)
Margaret Ann Waddicor 20th May 2011.

Coltsfoot flowered
your sun once bright
lighting up by day
at night closed tight

now white
your filigree fingers soft
like bottle brush slices
in a ring
of silvered tendrils
ravishing the wind

your wizened yellow petals cling one side
until a freak breeze stirs the trees
and carries all your pride
far and wide to places new
to plant your seed


Preparation, anticipation, awaiting the baton
other team already handed off
my leg of the race will soon be on
I clear my throat with nervous cough

Now my team mate's drawing near
exhaustion in his weary eyes
I begin running ere he gets here
exchange made, I tote the prize

Feet flying, eyes in front of me
slowly, I'm gaining on my foe
he glances back so as to see
who it is that's running so


I taste smoke
and feel heat
books seared
words forgotten

erase teachings
to teach a new order


"we've blended energies, even
our atoms dance in syncopated heat."
I say
"you're quite scientific,"
you said
"i've married both sides...
searching for God until i discovered love."
i say

you held me close
and we fell asleep

when the first bird sang of praise,
you wrote a poem,
i asked if you found the words,
you did

die Prognose

ich doese in der Sonne
und das Mitleid
hat mit der Begeisterung und dem Kutter

wir sind besorgt
und der Korbe wird nicht auftauen

das Geraeusch is schlaefrig
und auf die Schulter klopft ein Hand
neugierig und wissbegierig

der Erfolg hat keines Talent
nur die Disziplin
und meine Wortgewandtheit ist wagemutig
ehrlich nicht

ich habe den Verstand verlieren
und mein Herz
macht Karriere und besitzt die Lernbereitschaft

vieleicht habe ich vermasselt


Evolution considered, truth or dare ?
We are a planet of apes,
Drawn from the primordial ooze.
Quick to abuse.

We bare the burden of proof 
Pre-historic dwellers of earth
Developed and improved upon,
Since birth.

Adam and Eve created to deceive
Desperate for a comfort, 
Clawing for an explanation,
World filled with degradation.
We are aliens in a strange universe,
Infinite existence,
Or Armageddon to ensue.
Theory or hypotheses?

Broken Glass

A darkened room with a lone spotlight in the center
She lies there, balled up and sobbing
I can here shards of broken glass and water dripping
Under my bare feet the glass stings and slits my lining
I can hear her breathing
Her tears flood the floor
The glass glistens, the drips continue
“Why would you leave me all alone…” she sobs through the words
As I approach the perfect words escape my lips
“I am so sorry, things just happen…”
She looks into my eyes, I connect with hers

Apathy, My Cross

with her mop bucket
sleeps on a floor
of dirt
a cardboard fridge box
dented cans

a candle
from the church

she mops
keeping demons at bay
mumbles a prayer
she can't understand

and I can't understand any of this

is she strong
surviving so long
or weak
for letting it all come down to

just this

she is an old lady
so I side with the angels
assuming Those Storied Ones
stay ever close
watching over

Whispers Two....

Whispers two…

We don’t have an agenda
more a subtle guile
simply we distract our
Audience (that’s you)
and make it worth
their (that’s them )

See they are the unseen
as we are the same
knowing what they know
they want it to remain
we control the press
even the TV taking
gentle strides with
silent suavity

A Dust Of Fairy

Tiny little fairy, fluttering in the sky,
So beautiful,and full of wonder,
It makes me want to cry.

Her wings are the color of life,
Like a rainbow after the rain,
Or how the sun, colors the drops,
Clinging on the window pane.

The song she sings,with the setting sun,
Is a sweet and peaceful tune,
Telling us the day has faded,
And the moon will be here soon.

She curls up in a rosebud,
There she will make her bed,
The petal will be her blanket,
The bud is where she will lay her head.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.