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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Boxed in...

Boxed in…

The glass ceiling cracked but I didn’t win a thing,
our productions late with all aspects that flattered.
The tea lady walks behind those b’s that sting,
direction was only given to those who mattered.

There I stood in a room full of middles,
jagged corners a noun but only just.
At the table a guardian angel fiddles,
with his crotch, zip covered in dust.

Destiny’s Train

Although we know not
The destination it is headed
We recklessly jump on board
Destiny’s speeding train
Hoping to escape the throes of the rain

Now here the train comes to a stop
Yet we cannot stay
The ground is overly hot by day
Like a volcano’s heat
Step after step, kissing our feet,
As we labour vainly without sit

HEART OF CHALK [Italian/ English]


ancora piu’ presso
a me.
Vedi nell’anima mia,.
Cuore di gesso.
Sa’ cos’è ammazzare,


Come closer
Come closer still.
Look into my soul.
Heart of chalk,
Know what it is to kill.

teenager single mom

teenager single mom
How is the kid?
love him
many women hanker
in the twilight for they desire
to see the sunrise effect
from last night's sojourn
but we can't reconcile
where the manliness of man has gone
left her warmed up oven forlorn
the morn of a dying kind surfaces
when most go in for IVF,
at least small mercies
God's gift
at times prove best
see the sun as a rising one,
its setting too somewhere 'tis true
but a positivity


It's not as hot beneath the shade
of these old sentinel trees.
And cooler than out in the glade
where blazing sun defeats the breeze.

Yet these are hardly virgin woods.
too many hints of old farm days,
A silent silo stands and broods
where dairy cattle used to graze.

Low terraces still run the hill
from back when cotton ruled the land.
I guess the farmers lost their will
then left their empty house to stand.

Heart's Dues (Rhyme Crimes WS assign.3)

You said you'll pay my heart its due,
and fill it up with life-new,
but all you bid already I knew,
no sun or air nor drops of dew.

Understand my heart, be considerate.
Don't hesitate,come on now.
Underhand moments let's forget.
Compensate what's lost, it's never late.

It's you who'll bring my heart the joys,
rejoice the broken hearts' reunion,
when soon you give my heart its justice,
just away from pride and prejudice.


cold snap (rhyme crimes workshop exercise three)

for three long weeks, non-stop, the south wind blew
and shook the tender trees from bough to bough
while Frosty Jack, he also took a bow
as everybody’s lips and tips turned blue

cyanosed, so many gasped for warmth
attitudes and postures shrank and dimmed
I supposed that once these days were through
multitudes might then no longer be

with thought of frigid death will come despair
too soon aware, so many turn to prayer
in hope that somewhere, somehow words will find
a god who’s kind, who’ll send his fiery breath



Claim by RW
What matters not is amplified
"This didn't go so well" he cried
the common flagrant combination
of ego and false condemnation
and worse yet, there's a dictate thrown
that poems must rhyme to be shown
it's this that ends my hesitation
to point out that my true oblation
can contain iambs and tera-dactyls
they flow the random path of fractals
This is meant for one you see
who openly addressed for me
the way a poem ought to be


Tin sleep awake
the darkened breaths
softly rising
weak like a new hour

We are ghosts lost you
and I
weaving patterns in the
storyboard of weather
permitting moods

the rustle of the rain
at night
sunparched ground

verdant rivers of wind
complex and seeking
in the mystery of lives

our words are supple
liniments for the woes
we do not own

our histories held in

waiting to be soothed

Anniversary (revised)


A bouquet of roses
from your hands to mine,
while chilling on ice
a bottle of wine.

Gift box on the table
tied with red bows,
logs burn in the fireplace
while outside it snows
Long tapered candles
dimly lighting the room,
gently dispersing
those tendrils of gloom.

The moonlight streaming
through the windowpane,
soft music playing
an old lover's refrain.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.