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Tin sleep awake
the darkened breaths
softly rising
weak like a new hour

We are ghosts lost you
and I
weaving patterns in the
storyboard of weather
permitting moods

the rustle of the rain
at night
sunparched ground

verdant rivers of wind
complex and seeking
in the mystery of lives

our words are supple
liniments for the woes
we do not own

our histories held in

waiting to be soothed

Editing stage: 



author comment

Such feather-light delicacy
with the firm stem of its shaft
wafting perfumes through words of love
in a most unusual manner,
only you can do.

She's a lucky recipient. :)

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

When I can and am inspired
I write

author comment

Im pretty heavy handed for most things
so that you found this gentility I am happy!

author comment

a beautiful write esker, but i expect no less from you :)

'verdant rivers of wind' - a strange use of 'verdant', it made me pause... not sure if it assisted the write or detracted from it :)

love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

that feeling when Im out at night in summer
like now Everything is full and thick Grasses
trees with lots of leaves Nothing wilted by
lack of rain and the humidity from the rain
or raining so heavy and that wind making
it light Pushing through it all
like a sigh

very entrancing I like that you find the use of
Verdant here "strange" It brought me a smile
because I do use words in a different manner
Maybe its like sculpting or making an art piece

Thank You

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