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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Beauty And The Beast

There she runs,
Bamby of the woods of his heart,
frolicking about the low leaves
and high roots.

Look, she joys in the freedom
of the trees,
holding back the world
like some ancient harness
that binds the black god
to his stool.

There's her innocence,
leaping in the mist,
drinking of the ambience
of courtly bird songs.

He sees through the eyes
of a crouching beast:
He picks up her scent,
and his decorum is vanquished.

early wakeful hours

another night when sleep
is devoured

out of darkness
to coolly caress my cheek
a gentle
spring’s breath flutters
laced with the taste of
bitter-sweet memories

a melancholic melody
a ballad that recalls past simple days
sends soft slow blues
wending to meet my soul
with reflections on what
now seem fiction stories

an alien mass sits
inside my chest
a surreal loss of control
sends pain
that rides burnt waters to my eyes

Just across the ocean

I always wondered friend,
where you had gone into
hibernation of silence
even though you do love
most of mine
this one I just a while ago,
composed at a friend’s place,
the time was up
but I couldn't edit it.

Now you choose to comment on it
with your lovely sentiment...
Lovedly one
Not many, rather any know me,

nor will you ever too,
but on the first day of each month,
I do remember you.

The Dark Room

The dark room

The darkness closed about my form
In think, there were my fellow travellers
They closed the spaces between our ways
A common bond let feelings be born.

We tried to think something you all should know
All things became muddled as many wanted
Then peace took over, where pure thought could rule
Tell them, tell them, though it is not for us to be cruel

Becoming Serendipity ~ One veil falls


within genesis,
a silent monk chanted
at a perpetual window,
thin cracks of canticle’s
completed my insanity,
at astonishing heights
invisible feet walked on air,
free of psychosis
the water rippled as I slipped,
silently screaming
into this dazzling stream
called life …


clarity is and was
no cushion to float on,
its feathers,
still protrude from the
corner of my swag,
and my feet
are pierced to arch
with the stigma …


K a v i t a t i o n ................

dreams churning whirling
the turbine flash

fast in the black deep
eye roam hand twitch

running quiet
and as sleek

a haunted night
turns fastly overhead
and wires moan
a dirge fest song

inside the ruins
of the maze of
the racing calm

Strangers No More

Modern machinery mayhem
the spin of it
the sound crashing
into Tuesday on heavy streets
the pinnacle and article of hard-working man
entering day
your eyes
vistas going blind
hard edges
clouding angry

where is the truth of silence
in breaking bread?

the world is a tinderbox
the heart lonely and deceived,
there are prophets amoung us
the heart's cage open


Say, young girl laughing merrily
lilt in your voice and gleam in your eye
will you hold my hand and walk with me
as teen age years race swiftly by?

Tell me young lady sitting over there
who has become the true love of my life
I'm on my knee asking you to share
hoping you say that you'll be my wife

I can't believe lady what we have done
combined our love to make a new soul
matters not to me whether daughter or son
a happy addition to our family's roll

I love you daddy..

I was stained by your black heart,
And stabbed by your dagger like glare.
Torn by your deep nails.
And drained by your forever thursty feelings of anger,
You forced me to hide behind these gray lines,
And to have my sorrows appear,
Tears often occupied my face,
But that's the way you liked it, huh?
You've left me to drown in such worries,
You've endlessly came to me for sympathy,
Don't you even feel guilt?,
But you always come back for more while my wounds try to heal,
but such matters aside

Out of My Zone

How dare you break my heart so hard and go!
You've tugged my eyes with tears of pain, and woe.
My lips have almost dried, no joys to wet.
No music, only tears and much regret.

I thought that love is more than words-it's deeds.
The golden touch to satisfy our needs.
intriguing will to ease what troubles, mess,
to work together, help, ingrain and bless.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.