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K a v i t a t i o n ................

dreams churning whirling
the turbine flash

fast in the black deep
eye roam hand twitch

running quiet
and as sleek

a haunted night
turns fastly overhead
and wires moan
a dirge fest song

inside the ruins
of the maze of
the racing calm

Editing stage: 


a ten minute walk across the flat old sleepy feild
full now of ancient tall goverment edifices with their
guttural growl of air exchangers and off duty gas
stations with hooded exterior low lighting and dark
pumps.. is a landing pad for the hospital helicopters
that come in low on approach between the small
escarpement.. over the suburbia curled up streets
against its steed slope... their familiar voice
and turbine sizzle and that chopped air invades so
much of sleep at times.....arriving departing
humanity in its need
the quiet hours
the happening hours

author comment

19th century
then it was ships propellers..aircraft have it worked out otherwise they would be having
more difficulties... its more fluid dynamics
This is the same Rayleigh who pretty much described why the sky is blue
in the coming fall and cooler weather it will be seen more and more
the violet to blue shift I love with a cold October moon when the leaves have
been removed from the trees due to rains high winds and frost as they change
to the winter season

I think of the cavitation process that rupture of noise of physical touch or vibration
that enters my sleeping depths like liquid thought process
it has a dynamic flow at times
to be yanked from a deep dream occurence to reality

I remember the sleep talkers I grew up with or lived with

like Lady Macbeth whom Shakespeare used used her trait in his play
blah blah blah....poetry depth described... this is what goes on in my
mind when Im woken up from a deep sleep like this
to wander in and write all this down.. gotta go back to sleep
and dream more..
need answers and will find them in that landscape..

author comment

Once again a lovely piece of writing, and again your ability to find things that others need to look up to find answers to.
Your reference to Rayleigh and his writing and scientific knowledge, if only the young would read up on the things you talk about.
I wish you would sit with the children, and talk to them about all these things they would be given Golden knowledge from your ways,
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

Just ask me my child,
I shall take you on a journey,
that you will be amazed at.

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

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