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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

Alcatraz Woman

Blue glass tiles measure dignity
being taken by rough hands
in one inch
by one inch

Lay still.
Pinned under a dingy, double pane window
he hovers heavy.
He is the moon’s nemesis;
stealing all its glorious glow and leaving only darkness.

In the shadows he delivers his own dingy double pain,
forces it upon me.
Inside she.

Wide eyed and mouth agape.
Gasping, disbelieving
shallow rhythmic breathing.

FLEUVES-UPDATE [French-English]


Je suis un fleuve qui court
comme un forcené fou
par ma propre folie
emporté par les vents
vers l'ínconnu
profond et noir
avalé comme une goutte
de rien
dans l'Océan
qui m' attend


I am a river flowing
like a madman
cursed to flee
by his own madness
taken by winds
towards the Ocean
deep and black
a drop of nothing
into a raging sea.


When love touches the quick
of heart and muscle,
steers the mind
with seeming magical chemicals
that intoxicate the brain,
upsets the normal balance,
calm and sane,
this is the spark of creative fire,
that frees the phoenix of desire
and set all senses ablaze,
in psychedelic dances of physique,
like those myriads of semen, when let lose,
seek their way in desperation,
find their goal,
hell bent on achieving pure euphoria.

Our Daughter Returns from "no return"

"For they that carried us away captive required of us a song and they that wasted

us required of us mirth,saying sing us one of the songs of Zion"
Psalm 137:3 (KJV)

We kiss the sole of history
and sing an ode to the cast-iron "no return""conduit
as we bethink junctures of old -

The hand of despotism decreed;
lives were to be crushed,here in the dungeon
Our own betrayed us with a Judas kiss
and handed us over to the canines of the masters

The Iron Lady: Margaret Thatcher

I wonder if anyone had forecast
her passing away...
to my mind thoughts continued to come
should I or should I not
compose a poem


Mark Antony came to mind
in Julius Caesar he hath said...
as Brutus must have

Here I come not to praise Caesar
but to bury him...

we must all leave our
differences and idiosyncrasies behind
after one has gone...

we all become equal bones...
devoid of flesh

Yang and Yin...

The Golden Dragon of the Sun
chases his brother from the night

Through the hallowed heavens they race
It is more like play than it is fight

The scales of each fall from the sky
Silver scratches on ebon’ sheet

Amazing to our humble eyes
This delicious, wondrous treat

Black Dragon of the velvet night
pushes the moon across the sky

Keeps the silver disk from falling
making sure it’s high and dry

Golden Dragon of the burnished day
blows fire and warms the field


Silently she sleeps.
Arms outstretched in random fashion.
Body innocent in naked frankness.
Hair, rich golden billows, cloak her pillow.
A smile. face calm. Eyes gently closed.
Breasts rise in time to easy breaths.
Sun, filtered through lazy leaves from
Old oak trees, envelopes her and plays
shadow games on her demerara skin.
I trace her wondrous lines.
She mews and purrs
And softly moves to bring my hands
to play where her body needs they be.
My finger’s tips are gentle, slow and soft


I remember your hands

and their journeys

firm and sure

they planed my hips

smoothing thighs

to abandonment


you touched my eyes


as if you could see

the visions of want

in my dream

rimming my lips of the taste

lingering from my last meal,

(sometimes you)


your hands haunt me

like ghosts of themselves

where once, you would need

to feel the pressure of us



you pick me up like fine china

pressing my hands to your lips

When Johnny Comes Marching Home


And the troops
came marching home
in files of six and seven
the city streets
like a razor's edge.
And when they passed
four turned their head
the ones on the end
stared straight ahead

The war was over
and the living marched
side by side
with the dead
and Johnny came home

P a p e r w a i s t

out of the blue
soft cuts like runs the rain
like a naked branch

we flinch in the window
starlight flood
waking in the clearing of
the storm

water falling like thoughts
rapid like breath
the heavy steps of heat in
the walls inching through
the pipes to the heater

samosa coffee in the cup
like warm dreams
the untested kisses
resting in breaths


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