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At your sight

I still feel the same way,
like I did with her,
how I did with you

I stare at you from a cracked opening on a window,
forgetting you're somebody else's,
you're becoming my new muse

I've shuffled between those,
that is true, and now I bask at your sight
My blood pours like juice from my heart
Seeing you

Maybe I want another chance, maybe I don't
You loved me not, and that is not fair
But then, I hope you're happy there, with him
I hope he makes you well

I conclude that my physiology will always serve at your sight
My blood will pour, like juice
My eyes that pause, for you
I conclude, I need an end and truce

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of watching a love interest from a distance.
Someone that you have not gotten done with yet.
I had a girl that didn't know that I was smitten with her, and wouldn't have cared if she did.
I spent a week obeserving her from afar, eventually I wished her well, [in my mind] and found another girl,
and forgot all about her. Such is the mind of a teenage boy, who thinks he is in love.

Two things; the line that says: "I stare at you from a cracked opening on a window."
I would write that one a little differently. [I stare at you, through a crack in the window.]
The other is: "and now I busk at your sight."
I'm not sure that the word you want is [busk]. To busk, is to sing or play on street corners for money,
or it can be a form of scrimshaw. Strangely enough, I would keep the line: "My blood pours like juice from my heart."
[It brings to mind a squeezing of your heart, [a piece of fruit oozing juice].
The idea is good. ~ Geezer.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Thanks def taking everything you said into consideration

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