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my hands
on the wall
the tiles
water pours over me

look left..
chrome holders
toilet further right
blue tiles
white groat
at once

where am I
whom am I with
coming down

watch the swirl at my
feet.......Im in the north hemisphere
far out there......

who am I with...
this time..
blonde brunette
red head

if Im in t he shower
Im not alone
always serious

I amp up
and a brunette with sad
with cautious eyes emerges
from the kitchen area

she knows me..
or men like me

throws me a beer
buddy I need one

small talk
what did we do
where were we

and she tells me

now we are too return
to the real time
out there land


here is your pay

and away we go

away we are
arent we

arent we

Editing stage: 


A delightful strange encounter, seems like you are sometimes confused with your surroundings lol, its an age thing the older you get the worse it is.
There are a few errors in your write where a word is repeated and a gap in another but all in all a great write.
You seemed to tail off the plot at one point but will leave that to you.
Take care and know we read your works always,
Yours Ian..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

A serious dilemma, of fogged memories. being in the un-know and waiting for recognition to arrive.
Been there done that. Now that I am older those things don't happen, but my memory has not returned. to many bad nights that I think were fun, but who knows. I just don't remember.
Your details is what causes this to spark recognition of the situation.

Good job!
Eddie C.


that is purposeful..
people stammer
mental stutter
old or young
Ive been there at the age
and in the old age
been with the young
and saw this
upon sleeping
upon awakening

the pay after...
so I was comfortable
now they run two girls
too a room
safer as the world
grows darker

vids are extra
go pro download

and still affordable
compared to a shitty marriage
where two people just live
together and say they are happy
many write love letters
to others then their present spouses
but whatever makes anyone happy
makes them happy

sometimes a good run
is worth the cash

I was thinking of Bukowski and how happy
he was once he got famous
all his youthful females too conquer
and the photos he posted
like his poetry
he was riding the wave

a rock band hit our town and
from a youthful source heard
about a rather young person
getting on that bus
i passed it one evening
i was getting my teeth cleaned
by a rather very gorgeous young
blonde at the college
a room full of people and
students in white uniforms
pleasant local rock music
a strong instructor..female
leader qualities
I was leaving and
the bands bus was right there
where the city buses pull in
arcade on fire
a great band..I love their song Rough Hands
but thats the way things work
we can be righteous
and call people slim bags
or we can admit to the
way it just truly is
and all anyone has anyway
is what we have
a hubby comes home and says
we are getting divorced here
is my mistress
or other
and wife
catch her in bed
or see her out on town
look the other way
find a love too
life is a carnival
infused with the tradgedy and joy of learning
that awful curve we submit too to get to the
goal we want too succeed for

bukowski that lucky happy old bugger
but he could write

the poetry of mine is moving more towards a writing
and I am writing on a writing site
something different
I go by a different name etc
why not..I have the talents

and I am older and many thing still do happen
Im on my bike..i walk much
still working part time
my now larger beard and long hair
still dark
white in the beard moustache
but not bad looking for all I have been
and still got the voice the small moves
that draws many of the female persuasion
forward...maybe the grey eyes
with yellow they appear green
or blue or brown depending on mood
and style...i wear stylish clothes
becauase it is important
and I hang out with the top enders
and the bottom
a complete man about town
and why not

life is poetry

thank U

author comment

You have the spirit of youth holding your ways, and I suppose most will envy you free spirit,
As always you are right in your philosophy of life.
Steve if only the reins of tradition and old manners were not so tight I would flee to my love of life
I am now held by age and as you surmise a life of being split is far harder to live than one of a flying bird.
Go young wolf hunt for those things that are life its self to you, you are so right.
Did I give up life to tend to others maybe.
I will not cry for the things I missed but will always love those I met as much as life.
Yours as you know me, Ian.T

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

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