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Tras-os-montes revision

Each language comes with set of "sensibilites"foreign to many other cultures,and largely not understood. I wrote the following "poem"in continental Portuguese, the language of the FADO [see below]. I found myself going in a direction I didn't intend. The language brought me there.No Brazilian would ever have written anything like this, nor would they have understood it.There is a '"streak'" in my own writing n English that comes from a similar place.Neither is very appealing and often misunderstood as melodrama,which, in fact, it just may be.But poetry tells who we are.


faz um milhão de anos

parece que

deixei os vales

trás os montes altos

acima do mar

onde a lua amarêla pålida

faixas de vermelho escuro

sangra noite

e a chuva entristece dia

Há lugares nêste mundo

onde vai a natureza

a chorar sua tristeza

lugares que seguem

o coração

onde quer que va

TRAS-0S-MONTES [ a harsh mountainous region in north-west Portugal]

I left the valleys

across the mountains

high above the sea

where the pale yellow moon

with streaks of deep red

bleeds the night

and a cold rain

saddens the day.

There are places in this world

where Nature cries her sadness.

Places that follow your heart

wherever you go


fado portugal amalia - YouTube 20, 2009 - 5 min - Uploaded by portugalmania1 un fado chanté en exclusivité par Amalia, pour Portugalmania. ... Je viens d'aller voir votre section sur ...

Editing stage: 


Each line speaks volumes to me and the last stanza is so special.
I would only suggest to make clear breaks for a smoother read, but it is great anyway.
Thanks for sharing.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Thanks, Rula. I will work on that


author comment

profoundly beautiful in its simplicity you really have a way of saying so much with so few words

as always a pleasure

there is always a minute sense of pain that I feel underlying each word it maybe just me eh ?

love your Jayne xxxx

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

You read me well. my Jayne. Yes.

with love from your Joe

author comment

Although you say this place is rugged and harsh Joe
It is a place of beauty held within your words.
Keep that place with you Joe, it is as my cave.
A place to feel safe from anything no matter about its physical form.
There you can call your loves to meet you and talk with you.
Find a spot there that is bathed in sunshine,
The eternal sunshine that has driven you all these years..
Loved it, can I borrow it if you don't really like it???
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

I wish I were there now.

author comment

Your thoughts are strong enough to take you there and to build that special place.
Then I shall expect an invite to walk there with you and to talk of true life.
Go well young Joe and know we think of you,
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

I struggle every day to "maintain"". Broken hip, parkinsons, I am alone and need to see to my own needs. I hope to get back to total mobility by March, but the loneliness is deadly.


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