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suits and track suits...
in a dream
the papers blowing in streams
of whisper
the rush of air
the shinning light
I want movement
and time today
is not a friend

out from the depths
the curves and the climb
emerge into sunshine
chain link
wrong line
I sit dumbfounded
in disbelief
no scream out
in anger no
slumping regret
somehow my mind
my body forgets
an hour to turn
across the tracks
missing appointments
attention I lack

but Ive seen now the
river so deep and
so pure
the light dancing
freely has given
a cure

the park full of people
with children and dogs
the trees rising in
new buds has
sent me a calm

a mistake in
its clarity
has broken
this severity
and a smile
like the rush
of doors
a sense of


Editing stage: 


Oh my .. speechless in the depths lost in the feeling


Thank you I needed that so much

Love Jayne x

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

Like Jayne am speechless
I have much to say but I can't do it your way unless you tell what's that you drink. Just give me the name of the pill... hahaha.
Wonderful indeed Steve!!


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

this was a funny time at night..I hopped a subway
my friends stopped
I was on the wrong train...
we all were laughing...
I went from Eglinton to Lawrence
this big climb..
but then I adapted the poem
Its about perspective too
how things that seem to be wrongs or wrong against
us can be used to see a lesson
an adaptation
at the sake of the moment
I did see the park at night
a break

thank U for the comments both
telling the spell of the story is important
that which leads to the telling of the
readers story
even more
poets inspiring poets
from the poetic nuance
of life

thank U

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