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submissions of theorem

Moebuis strip
I never got that trip
lard on toast
peanut butter on a
cracker the crumbs
disturbing sleep
the room an attic
of ongoing principles
and sweated ideals
sleep apnea
I wore my crazy hat
and went out overdressed
as if I was to head off overland
in shiny Biltmore blacks
I never had the good boots
gumbo ankle sucking tours
dust and grit in July swelter
black ribbon of cloth
and cheap cracked knock
off shades

the rain fed into the pockets
melting reciepts into sculptures
cough candies and change
an extra five pounds to hump
winters gravel thrown up the back
dirt clawing out the bearings
I can feel the rear wheel swinging
on the tight corners now
like an old ship
throws out the wonky hip

sat in with the heads and brights
but I was a forty watt bulb to their
show glare
How they miss the madman
immortals we wished
pneumonia bad eyes
we fought the monotony
and reproach
bee bopping fat cats on
the fence
taking a tin or a shoe
now and then

whats it all about alfie?

chugging through it
dropping twitter notes
we've fallen to the
land of Yea here be dragons
our fangs grown
the lines grooved
like fantastic masks
of older men

still like my faded sodden day
i'm rolling
a bowl of spaghetti and peas
doused with burger grease
washed down with coffee
full of grounds from a bad
filter and the cigarettes
which help kill the edge

dulled into submission
by the whirl of the fan
the great gpu medication
for the meditation

Editing stage: 


here. it flows and touches all the places it needs to, as it winds down the slope. I especially like the "Alfie line" Reminded me of that movie. ~ Gee.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

your words also
like the
you very well know
I still insist

i guess....covered some ground
in a rather outstanding way
there were others more genuine
and i never said I was neither nor
but there are significant nuances
to posuers and posers
original essence
is a leading trait

and the balance was..technically
if i was posing..or posturing as I would
more aptly apply it...
i was always with a genuine
puzzle of that was...
blind leading the blind

naught for fraught
just two systems
operating intel

anyway those years are
accomplished and set aside

exhausted today
gloomy as the weather
but this inner drive
the primitive
and curiousity to just
get er done...
is more then the
un hooking and collapsing
to memories
shutting the curtains

niagra...been years since
was there
casino was nice

author comment

jake brake..
some still use it here in the city
the grind....(adressing Gee's comment)

it was Jess who urged people to read writing..
read authors..
kids..we had comic..and english fortnight graphic
novels I guess you call em now..
I like the structure of design in em..I sketch paint
and draw but Im an illustrator...same as here
goes without sayings...they are not truly abstract
in expression....there are others where who write
more deeply on that beautiful free form of depth
glitter...glare....spacial subtlety and demonstration

I read New Yorker short stories...Walrus is a good mag
Adusters...Globe and Mail..fiction non fiction and every
twenty years dig into some impossible period piece.
the exposure to the technique nuance...correct word
punctuation (if noted and re expressed) can be a worthy

blah blah....anyway.....Thank U Gee for taking the time
for the comment on this one...
spring sucks sometimes for me...
errand runs today...aching...raining...
saddling up...loading up with tool kit..
intel...bah...first klick to find the pace
is the toughest.....getting out the door
another hurdle...
that need doing..

it was a dark and stormy nite...
still smile at shultzs humor..

thanks man!

author comment

I don't know how you do it,
you jump the rail back and fro,
I don't know where we're going
but I always smile for the ride.

the rhythm and easy flow makes
this fall from the tongue in silken tones.


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