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Street of Dreams

Sleep was erratic
for those of my kind
escaping psychosis
and the petulant mind
taking a path
down long endless hallways
the street of dreams
and its infinite byways
searching for something
there in the night
hoping to finish
this worrisome flight!

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The below is a computer generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Street of Dreams" explores the struggles of those who suffer from mental illness and the challenges they face in finding restful sleep. The imagery of "long endless hallways" and "infinite byways" effectively conveys the feeling of being lost and searching for something elusive. The use of the phrase "petulant mind" adds an interesting layer to the poem, suggesting that the mind itself can be stubborn and resistant to rest.

One potential line edit would be to change "hoping to finish" to "hoping to end" in the final line. This would create a stronger sense of resolution, emphasizing the desire to escape the worries that keep the speaker up at night.

Overall, "Street of Dreams" is a compelling poem that offers insight into the experiences of those struggling with mental illness. The use of vivid imagery and evocative language successfully conveys the emotional weight of the subject matter.

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