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the flag lags
the dirts rude
everyone sipping
tins of brew
Mindless lazy
crazy dayze

the red dirt
the tinted haze
brick baked
huddled homes
and cisterns on
legged watch
silver space ships
in the dark

bicees and Marmelite
under the shade
a porch with a ruddy

Editing stage: 


a trailer park to me! We have those neighborhoods here in the city. No trailers, but people sitting on the porches drinking beer and soda and doing everything that one would do inside. Laughing, yelling, fighting and loving. Sometimes in the nicer neighborhoods you see elderly people sitting quietly in the shade, letting the world go by, as if they are no more than spectators of life now. Then there are the neighborhoods where you never see anyone outside unless they are mowing the lawn or getting in or out of their cars. ~ Gee.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

sheep station
but trailer park...
simple folks
we got some here opinions
but...everyone gets
along well enough

studying google street
view more
cities far away
\tourist sites.
shops..dress of the
blurry manequins
on street...

like landing on mars
and trying to figure
it all out with the rover
so chats
just what we see
which is just a perception
a qaurter and less
of what is real

thank U!

author comment

no thesaurus
simple verse
few words
still worthy of a converse

sheep station
red dirt..water tanks
describing plants would
have given it away
or lingo

Marmelie..we get it here
the ruddy people..
red faced from sun

large words may come day

come back large words...
come back....
I hope they herd me
My heart is shorn
of peaceful fleece!!

thank U!

author comment

did yo not read the monkey poetry
thanks Neopoets
composed by me
you alone supported me
so real thanks go to thee

It has a sense of frozen time. Once the brew circulates in your blood time and space may fuse into one depending on the circumstances. Nevertheless, once a while, it is good to get frozen in the "time."


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.