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A R T I C U L A T E . . . D I S S A R A Y

lengths of silence
like a dream beneath the skin
of sky
the vault of articulation

the tradgedy of speaking

longing donor words
slipping up the valley stream
brilliant as a forecast
impending as love
and set with love struck

grip me this granduer
I feel the candour
turned about
an interest

losing reflections
for the flare of
amazing attributes

the mists from
broken mirrors

bad luck run
on a holiday
haunted gun

when narrow
coppice language
fills submerged
heart chambers
the swells of
lust concieved


Editing stage: 


i know not
this care unknown
this love for P

"Madness as reality" Karen Boehm (co-worker)

author comment

that this is one of your best in awhile! For me, a good conversation is almost as good as sex! Almost! LOL Nothing to crit, just as good as I've seen from you. Did you mean for the word, INTERCHANGED to be open for interpetation, or did you have a specific meaning for it in mind?
~ Gee

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

It takes a special woman to understand a man, a poet like me
And for conversations on the road I find I relate to those who
run systems, independent or at the head of a group or clan
just from my experience anyway

This is for a woman dear to me

I like Coppice for what it is A main starting lead for a branch line
of thought Of following or building from
as is the interpretations there in
and then
Interchange as it describes the highways that most would
associate this word with in America
and for me now that Ive been on the information freeway
since 2004! (Sad to say that i didnt even know how to turn
on a computer let along move about on one and now Im
learning fast the mechanics and theories of its functions)

I still dont have a cell phone (just tracking devices and photo
album adress book diary to lose thats what they are to me)

I love pay phones and before the Internet if I liked you I would
write letters on Blue Airmail paper in blue india ink from a
real fountian pen Or I would type my letters but I preferred to
write in long hand Thirty two page letters on average

Im learning that sex alone satisfies the craving
but living without it now I am going deeper past the drive
primal functions of thought and developing deeper relationships

You could say I have a "good teacher" on this art
and looking back from high school on
I have had many hours with many women just
talking enjoying brandy or the stars at the pick up
gate of my dads truck a coffee from the little town

enriching times now I see
memories that may have special meaning
rather then just the primary function for mating
and reproducing

Interchage for this is an intimate and personal

very special and intimate for this poet

Thank You

author comment
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