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pool of winter

grasp yet
the fresh
the streams
treads wide
churning in its
like tides
great surrender
dying by
and by
with each
new storm
that drowns
away her pelt
of crystal morn
rise up yea
new shoots
full of haste
and green
taste the rains
that fall into
your beds
and awaken
drowsing scenes


Editing stage: 


of grassy green
is what my eyes
have already seen
Borne away
her crystal pelt
The odor of Spring
is what I smelt.
Inspired by the feel of it
I suckle at our Mother's tit

Just a little rhyme to celebrate the coming of Spring. ~ Gee

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

dog shit and puddles
but the light...the heat
the hair flips and tucking
of shirts
the hip wiggle
and tilted head
an arena
of delights
on old and young
still vieing for the
crowns of mens eyes
or others..

lady spring gushes
and the sun draws
I primp up my swag
stick out my chest
like a robin
smoke a cigarette
and walk the drag
of the court
catching eyes
and smiles
admiring the beautiful
short and tall
(and what I will be doing
later...forever a charmer
with a ragged face...
but I am groomed finessed
with rather fine tastes)

thank U

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