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I dreamed a dream
of times gone by
of a world
I thought would never die:
soothing voices,
warm embraces
hearts beating as one.

But the world doesn't speak to me
the way it did before
and all I knew has faded
into Memory's languid caress.

Editing stage: 


this piece started as the voice of everyone's dream and the despair which comes wth time, maybe seeing the dream out of reach. emmm, may I ask why you entitled it "Places"? I hope the others will read this. Its a good write.


each moment in time brings us to a different place in life; memory brings back to places in time which fade away with the years.

thank you,


author comment

You make it seem so easy to write well. I liked this...a lot and see no room for improving it........stan

:) :)

Thanks. Stan

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