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The Peanut Butter Principle( June Contest)

I stand in the market aisle trying to decided
why is life like a jar of peanut butter
to my amazement I find
with each jar I view
these thoughts became true

all smooth,to boring
all crunch ignore it
super chunk,had enough

life is a jar of peanut butter
sometimes smooth, sometimes crunch
can't smooth it out with marshmallow fluff,hate that stuff

Think I'll start life another way
maybe try jello
,on to that aisle
always room for that

Good lord what am I thinking
I'm just another belfry bat
just hanging around
imagine that

And now I sit in this room
with it's beautifully cushioned walls
with my three jars of peanut butter
and let's not forget the bowl of jello
feeling way too mellow

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
My all time philosophy is PEANUTBUTTER. and yes I have finally lost my mind lol
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


LOL thank you I thought with all of what is going on in the world a bit of lightheartedness was needed


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the stuff of life. I have always loved peanut butter and I probably always will. When I was nineteen, my first wife's mother told me that my taste would change as I got older and I wouldn't love peanut butter so much. Like so many other things she was wrong about, she was wrong! I still have peanut butter sandwiches at least ever other day and some times a couple a day. Just plain peanut butter. Your story is amusing and if I am not mistaken, tongue in cheek, [looking for smears of peanut butter]
as you seem to be intimating that the soft walls are to protect you from yourself. LoL
Nice job of making me smile, this morning as I eat my English muffins with peanut butter and honey. ~ Geezer.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Enjoy your breakfast I like it out of the jar yes soft walls lol thanks for the read


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oh my shall I tell you both my grandparents came for Poland(both sides that is) truth be known i hate jello
thanks for sdtopping in


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Hello, Chrys,
This is a comical dilemma - life is much like peanut butter choices! However, I'm a boring, smooth peanut butter sorta kid. I feel the struggle!

Thank you I had fun writing this


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