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My Dream

In my dream I saw the stars
There were no borders or bars
Only things I pray to be
The urge to always be free
To love all my family
Even those who anger me
The world was bright and shining
Full of fun that is binding
A place where I hope to go
A land I really know
Now I wake and see the truth
A dream that was in my youth

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "My Dream" exhibits a clear structure and a consistent rhyme scheme, which contributes to its overall rhythm and flow. The use of simple, direct language helps to convey the speaker's emotions and desires effectively.

However, the poem could benefit from more vivid and specific imagery. For example, instead of saying "In my dream I saw the stars," consider describing how the stars looked or felt in the dream. This could add a layer of depth to the poem and engage the reader's senses more fully.

In terms of theme, the poem explores universal desires such as freedom, love, and hope. While these are relatable themes, they could be developed more intricately. For instance, the line "Even those who anger me" hints at conflict within the family, but this idea is not explored further. Delving deeper into this conflict could add complexity to the poem and make the theme of love more nuanced.

Lastly, the transition from the dream to reality ("Now I wake and see the truth") is a pivotal moment in the poem. This could be emphasized more with a stronger contrast between the dream world and the real world. Currently, the real world is only described as "A dream that was in my youth," which is somewhat vague. Providing more details about the real world could make the transition more impactful.

Overall, the poem has a solid foundation and explores relatable themes. With more specific imagery, deeper exploration of its themes, and a stronger contrast between the dream and reality, it could be further enhanced.

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Your poems always are of interest and they flow very well to carry your message to the reader. I like that this poem is so upbeat! may you have a great week!

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Thank you Cat. I tried to write what I feel. I tried to make each line 7 syllables to see how it would flow.
Thank you for reading my poems, I really appreciate it very much.

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