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maledizione dei sogni

bell chime trickles
with sound
The north wind
One grey
eye catching light
an ugly moon
sent me early
beneath a ruthless crust

pie plates on a garden yard
dance naughtily
forgotten in augusts warm
awake awake drowsing soul
heed not the hiss of wind
through the teeth of the
bent pines arms
the grunt of closet doors
shifting in temporal shifts
in moonlight the Bulovas
pale face says the hour
reads like the spell
shiver and draw
the quilt
knowing the furnace
will speak aloud its
fierce blue tongue
and sing its song
through the pipes

the face familiar
and not
returns from the
forests depths
timeless wraith
whose smile withers
my flame
dark browed one
what message
shall I find no rest
when I least
I forget U not

no August

can evade
the presence
U forever pervade

into the dusted
chamber of sleeping

a creek of warmth
excited through
its purpose
stirs the curtian
and although i
i know its
i shall wish for
forever lurking


Editing stage: 


of the night.
Like a child waiting for the good fairy
Riding the back of a dragon
Come to protect him from
the cold demon of a winters' night.
~ Gee.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.