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wooden light
warm as oil
slakes the dry
winter spell

halfway to the mall
I catch up
and she

see U next weekend

same room
same time
spring is


Editing stage: 


believe this was written by you! So short and to the point! I'm not complaining though, it said all that needed to be said!
~ Gee.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

ha....wooden light on a wooden floor
the old converted victorians to duplex or tri's
the old varnish and wear...warm...
some are heated with boilers....some are warm
the dark oak or hardwood look warm
slakes the dry winter spell
more a spiritual essence....
I got raised with churchs..wood floors
gynasium and spiritual
warmth...dry spell when the inner isolation
sometimes gets to people...
unless like some u live in the outback
or distant hills...some prefer that...

Brunetti left a meeting
i had planned to just cruise past her
but the light changed..rolled up alongside
her...many find me hard to approach
but not here..

'im following u...' said..'i know'
told her i like that shes articulate
and creative....had on these multi
toned nice track pants..a nice figure
good in braids...
mid twenties or better...
but kept herself well..some dont have
a choice..they wear their battle weary

weekend is where the get well
meetings go..
so see U next weekend is a pleasant
'hope to see u there'
nice...i like her...
thus the poem

..Thanks Geezer!

Mr Wolf!

author comment

I see you are out hunting again, lol.
As gee said a short edition from you.
I see the blood is rising as is the sap.
But are you chatting to strange people???
A saying from Sparrow:-
If you look out,
to find something,
that is next to you
You will not see them..
Take care my friend and have a great spring,
Today is the equinox as the sun scorches the ass off of anyone on the equator, there today at noon I had no shadow,
Take care see you soon,
Yours, Ian ..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

none stranger then the rest
got a knack for it
fire cap said i could have been hostage
helped him
and been done for me in past

just someone new...someone brighter
then the usual
grounded...but ur right
they are delving!
I will keep an eye on it
not like the sense over ride
the intellect
keep intuition as the filter
Thanks Ian!

my lady and I are doing well
tidying up the place here
shes busy with her sites on
her computer...
listening to me more
Im not crumping her style
but shes got a good heart
many take advantage
I dont give the mile anymore
dont need to
I just cut to the chase
of the time wasters and wanters
so few true givers

today was a productive day
much accomplished
tidying up all my belongings
and things
dog cleaned
chats with neighbors
friends on the run downtown
the little moments
because I do care
but U also are right
At one time I did not see those
at my side...they found it humorous
and frustrating...
but I changed..adapted
become more gentler
and kinder to the important ones
still keep an ear to those
in need..suffering

a beautiful day out there
and equally this evening
excellent march break
time for all

made dinner for us this
evening...steamed potatoes
and carrots
enjoying the little enjoyments
thank U Sir!

a happy spring hello to you
and all Ian


author comment

capacitor...some people need a shot of booze....a hit of the drug in their vein to face
the illogic of the masses
top dawgs do that
the alphas are haunted

gin and neat little pills to soothe the whitecaps

you are correct on the whole take of this shiver of imagery
it changes
it flickers
like a dream stirred
temple hotel
lets pray
on our knees

a kiss
is it the plush car mats
the terazzio
the rain on our hair

riding hood needs a ride
get in...
the weather is atrocious

i have my fast tower up and
working..utube back
music...i hit my mall today
my femme fatales i met
know me them
implements of haunted

i need a time spent
in romance
but i wont let myself

there is too much work

u Audri have much intuition
right down to the van gogh

thank U

superlative extraordinaiire


author comment

Again, superb. Regards Roscoe...

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

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