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I Hate You Because I Love You

Every notification, a flutter of hope
You'll finally confess your love, and my heart will cope
But days pass like a child's futile wait for Santa's sleigh
Or the tooth fairy's visit, a myth that fades away

Your rejection stings, a pain I can't define
Yet, I cling to the thought that you'll someday be mine
I convince myself you're lying, that your heart still beats for me
As I watch you move on, pretending to be free

I nullify my worth, substituting it with the thought
"You love me, you love me," a subconscious, desperate fraught
I leave you alone, searching for my own worth
Only to return, trapped in this toxic, loving birth

I hate you because I love you, a curse that won't subside
A love that hurts, a love that won't be satisfied

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I think we have all had at least once. We love someone from afar because they don't love us back. The pain is different than any heartbreak. Well written.


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