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H u m b e r z

fourescent...flickering like the ghost tongue
like winter
like a ridge
of darkness blocking lights of shore
the rise and swell
like death at your door

wake eletric
wake dread
wake alive
light like water

stare into the hours
tree trunks

but in dreams
no further away
then a broken bone
healed stitching
the shadows lurked
and long lean limber
like a javelin of speed
all jawline and chest
feet fleeting silent on
the dew of the leaves

dream to dream
like station to station
wake like grave fresh
crushed petals
false smiles like fluff

and the greasy prints of
dare you not pull onto
keep the drive wheels
sedan mass on the
glistening asphalt
the moss soft brickwork
the beat of mechanical
arms sweeping
the glass chest
the green tint treasure
of a downed pleasure
the one way trip
beneath the deck
lid flinging spray
in the devils lights
cat eyes gleaming


and those
we cant


Editing stage: 


I am amazed at the emotion that your words can elicit in my brain. No matter your intent or direction
I find that as I read them, your words bring visions to mind that are unique and pleasurable. Another trip that took me to Imagine-land! Thank you, ~ Gee

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

the most surreal times spell lands....these words are spellz...
I remember this now.....Listening to VITALIC...a dance band..i think..
house music...imagine never hardly hearing jazz or rock..and then
it just grabs you by your gristle of the mind....this band is doing this
right now.....and august the magical season...this too is how people
take me when i meet them..all six foot two almost in my black riding
like boots..the shoulder length hair..the grey eyes wary or bored..
the long nose..the long face..lesser chin and motherf**
tense.....people are just drawn too some...I remember the descript
of Strider in the Im not he...but of that temperment and
character more and more...I did live in the creepy land....magic and
spirits afoot now....thanks for picking always up on this....

your friend...Mr Wolf!

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