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twill and tweed
and dustbin notes
the mossy din
of slate rain roofs
Fresh chips in
the page
of yesterdays wrap
the newsprint czars
of rattle-trap

Throw in some Guinness
to the boot
on the dash of our Morgan
we'll take a toot
Out on the Motorway
hills and dale
Misty Moors in rains
sweet veil
back home for evenings
bisquits and tea
some late nite telly
till hours of wee


Editing stage: 


missed a line about Lamb chops
thus the gristle..
Minds getting daft!
I need more draft!

author comment

I used to go with a bunch of guys. We worked in teams of driver and radio-man. One guy drove and the other worked the CB. You had to make one 30 second transmission every 10 mins. and the others would try to find you based on the strength of your signal. Lots of fun and we partied hearty! Toots on the hood of the car and lots weed smoked. A few drank but not much, because of the cops. Although there were a couple of cops that would ride around trying to find us, they never busted us. I like the rhyming, it suits this poem. ~ Gee.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

I like the concept of short wave...still do!
and modern cell phones are like way cooler
Sounds like a lot of fun Geezer! stradgedy
games..My chums and I would drive about
trying to predict where we would be based
on schedules...
often we would wait for the other to drive
by and haunt each other...Still remember
going bumper to bumper with a chum
nose up slow...then we had chrome
bumpers..and have shoving matches
Nothing super dangerous...Or ride
at night on the top of car..vans...
that was stupid and dangerous but
no one fell off...
1969 chevelle with small block and
eidelbrock manifold and last of a
turbocharger company from California
my one friend was a farm dude who
was super brilliant with mechanics...
eventually he bought and sold
other friend rebuilt a 69' GTO
four hundred motor...he never put
the charger on his car..the goat
was a ragtop..much fun...
other had an 81 for with the three
speed overdrive three hundred
six..same motor I had in my 81'
mercury shortbox....nothing
like driving about...My girlfriend
had a 69 chevrolet half ton
standard shift...she worked as
a bartender after we split in
a small town near us....
the van we put in our friends
moms old expensive couch
and chair set...they would
just tip over and slide about
just had standard pilot co
pilot chairs...we all had
decent stereos...took tons
of photos...they were great

nice to have lived em and
put down memories working
with other people though!

Love your stories!
and shared memories Geezer!

thank U!

author comment

and you know
many cops are friendly
don't muck in
they also know
the times they were in
when you are
now like em
a new teen

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