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in the light
like a river
the downy fur
along the base
of her spine
ripples with wind

a talon of penchant trust
leather and chrome
the brilliant wonder
in the stillness
shinning on
the white teeth
lull of tongue
candy color lipshade

leaning on the hood
rocking smoking a cigarette
the radio mulled

all paths must cross
drawn tight
in both hands
a tryst spun out of control
crushing in its grip
excitement and juices
like a sudden rain
drawn from the blackness
everyone running for cover
the soaking wet tight pants
the car stopped at the lights

Love is madness lurking
behind the sweet faces of
the car door flung shut
flip flops stretched out
to reach the heater
of an older model chevrolet

throw forth caution
and the sin seeketh thee

Editing stage: 


sometimes, you make me feel as though you have access to memories of mine! I guess that lust and the thrill of danger is no stranger to any or all of us.
"Throw forth caution and the sin seeketh thee." ~ Gee

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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