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Forget Me

Why, just why
do you always forget me
You think you're so sly
leaving me feeling like a tiny flea

Supposedly the one you loved
but it's always a fight
How I hate to be shoved
Oh, what a plight

Why can't we just say a final good bye?
You've forgotten me
I gotta learn to just fly
Why can't I simply just be

Always poor you
missing out on what could've been
Feeling much like a worn shoe
and a thinker among many men

But forget me
let me love, and live
I'm not your she
I have too much to give

Free from the pain
forget me not
I have so much to gain
not destined to stay in this spot

So, forget me
and see who I am
The girl I used to be
no longer gives a damn

You've let me go
and you'll soon see
But now you're putting on a show
and I'll just leave you be

Forgotten by you
now and forever
I will always be true
and you're really not that clever

Forgetting you
forever being missed
It'll be the hardest thing I do
and then, never getting kissed

Goodbye now
my lover and friend!
Pushing forward like a plow
I'll miss you till the very end

© Miranda Ortiz

Review Request (Intensity): 
Please use care (this is a sensitive subject for me, do not critique harshly)
Editing stage: 


.yourself here at Neo. Keep on writing!
~ Geezer.'

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

For your kind words. I don't write regularly, but it occupies my time when I have too many things on my mind to sleep....

Write for fun, or for the love of writing!
But just write for you!

author comment

American women
one can't ever subdue
least of all
ma'am you

Thanks for reading! And commenting. It means alot to me.

Write for fun, or for the love of writing!
But just write for you!

author comment
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