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Absence, and Longing to Belong

Longing to belong
Where I should never have went

I risk it all
for it to make no sense

Lonely, I am
And lonely I'll be

Cause where ever I go
I make no absence

No one misses me
and I do not belong

Travel, I do
and travel, I will

For me not to belong
It's a blessing

I need no one
and my life is full

Belonging is not a what
It's a fleeting feeling

Running through you
waiting to be discovered

Belong to yourself
And no one else

© Miranda Ortiz ~ 2018

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 



I am left with a dilemma. You have asked for the raw truth and have indicated you are not actively editing. This appears to be a contradiction to me, but, I am going to take your request for raw feedback at face value.

The punctuation of this piece was jarring with alternating exclamation points and ellipsis. At one moment shouting and the next trailing off into silence. If everything is shouting and silence, then shouting and silence hold no power.

You words are lost in your structure and the message, the excellent message you want to convey is being blocked.

This, of course, is my opinion. I believe you should actively review and edit this piece. You, as the poet, must make the determination if my critique holds value for you.


Jonathan Moore

You're words are taken in stride an d not harshly. I'm not editing as I don't know where an d how to edit appropriately. Lol. I will rework, , and see how I feel. Thanks for your brutal honesty! No harm done here.

Write for fun, or for the love of writing!
But just write for you!

author comment

Pugilist is able to comment on the structure of your poem,
I am not versed in correct punctuation, so I just go on what I read.
The ups and downs of your write are scattered in what I think is your thoughts.
As Jonathan says it needs clarification as to where you are.
If you are so lost and taking a roller coaster ride then we are here to assist.
Take care and know we all walk the same pathway,
Yours as always, Ian T ..

Words can build a nation

I am not a sane person. So most generally, my thoughts are almost always scattered. I am going to attempt editing it and see where it ends up. Any precise instructions/insights would be much appreciated.

Please refer to my reply to Pugilist if further clarification is needed. The editing and rework process teriffy me for some unknown reason. I write from true emotion. Which I see now, might be an issue. Lol

Write for fun, or for the love of writing!
But just write for you!

author comment

Thank you for your openness to critique. Please share your exploration of this piece.

As to where to begin when editing, that is the crux. For me, I compare my intent with my efforts. What did I what to communicate with what I communicated.

It allows me to gauge my work more coherently.

Thank you again for participating in the workshop.


Jonathan Moore

is not much like punctuation of a letter or a story. Myself, I would not use commas and periods at the end of the sentences, and unless I wanted to make a really powerful statement or ask a question; I don't use exclamation points or question marks.
I do like the use of the ellipsis here: " and I don't belong..." I think that it gives it a wistful kind of sound.
My use of ellipsis in opening statements to authors and after my titles, is just a idiosyncrasy and something I have done since my coming to Neo. Kinda like a signature. I hope that I have been helpful and you can use anything that Pugilist, Sparrow and I have said to help. ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Probably just made it way worse. So, I give up! Maybe poetry, or at least the receiving critiques just isn't for me. Nothing positive at all came from this.

Guess I'll leave the writing to the real writers!

Write for fun, or for the love of writing!
But just write for you!

author comment

Very few people are used to the honesty they receive here and it can be a shock to the system.

You'll be dishonouring yourself and your work if you quit so easily.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Our comments are meant in the spirit of collaboration. We hold ourselves to the standards of honest review and honest effort. If you are not certain where to begin, and that is something we all feel, just ask.

I am infamous for offering unrequested writing suggestions. Just understand that no one expect you to do as they say, only listen and do as you feel is right for your work.

Our goal is to engage in the process. We'd love it if you joined us.


Jonathan Moore

(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.