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"fidati del tuo cuore seil mares incendia e vivi l amore"

vegas soundtracks
jangle happily
landscapes of desert
and hot weather
coyotoe haunts
and widths
as dry as a seas bottom

my heart is tattered
in the shade of an empty

Rue with a smile
yet blue
I shall never figure
out the angles of U
nor wish to uncurl
the sharp angles
of principle with
in the heat
the brilliant tumble
of stars flaming
like the nites
while dreams stir
in a youths charm
hot sunlight falling
in a genre's floor
the notches like
vengence vendatta
harm of the storm
rising mud
valley rush
the blossoms
after in a tender
blue the kiss of
till the ire settles down

coal and fleece
mixed textiles
and electronic

this ocean of
the great reception
wavering in its
like the gleaming
sides of the
flickering scales
my deception
keeping me
that somehow
it would last
as if the stars
could cast a

but I look behind
beside me
for yours


Editing stage: 


You deserve kudos for another magnificent piece of ART


I love your story about the mountians..the mommas working hard hauling in food fuel..working..Got my bunni and she does a lot..xmas spirit..cleans the house..a little round woman now...she was skinny hootchie coochie...meds...some things heavy...loves be it.....she can still knock the socks off the pretty little .was at the tall man store buying new shirts....two.....every so came to hundred be it...sometimes you have to purchase someone NOT TO TAKE to work..or ride through the brush striped one a shiny violet....excellent materials...nice chaps.....we had dinner after at a new place...but I was falling in shit for that...women give you the shit...slap you a horse....
quit eating the geraniums..a dig in the ribs and onward..........the women do so much...because they love their men....they wish..hope...but in the end they just know....oh they are men...Im good for a lot of stuff though and I do work at my work...running errands..and then crafting...because its been awhile since I made something notable ....and I did live with very activated women all through my life and a lot of them were irish italian or sicilian or irish....barvarian...not just the common mesh.....I dont think I am.....Im stuck in the past....angry.....growly.....which describes the old patriarchs to a t......jesus dont wake him up in the morning........always taking control of our village me the olive trees....I will pick em...trim if....Fermi comes over and needs help and next thing........always...yah the next things... helped neighbour put up tree...i sit with crazy friends...I make em nervous..
i laugh with the new and bright and in control because I love them........I know they are
made of the marble...hard....but soft...warm if loved........

my art is borrowed from my trips here.......
I borrowed so much from U..
this is a tribute poem
and why not
those fifties poets sat about
and went all jived up what
they were doing
how we do it

your work lately has been
so clear
and intense
the others have noted it
and I have seen it
if I havent said anything
about i

I did not have the great
loves early in my life
I chose carefully
like a deck of cards
but downtown even
those girls I chose
were not too be
the fools

si vous plais

oh armacore

loved it

one day
I shall visit
that place

in meantime I
do go online and
visit many other

I find great inspiration
in the sharing of your
trip Joe
because as the one way
that u bought and paid
for with your soul
you share here
and that Brother
with a capital
means the world
to this Brother

thank U

author comment

total agreement with everything he says Joe! I hope that you know we all are in awe of your work! just never have enough time as of late to respond to all of it! ~ Gee

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

I write here.......on a freesite......for free for the enjoyment of poets for poets
it would be great for published...but it would change it all
It Would...
I know this deep in my heart

we grew up in a society that shared casettes
intel on the roll..on the move
coffee shops taxi rides
like the true times of intel sharing
the revolutions of france began in coffee shops
like many others
idealogy is poetry
you cannot patent this
any more then you can put a cage
on love itself
or a tag on hate
that channels through the
gorge of that run

happy that my work here
is appreciated

thank U


author comment
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