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Every Poem

Every Poem

Every poem entitles itself
For in the skin of every snake
Lies its name and its venom too

Fret not in fear, my sun
Trouble not your soul
In thoughts of what tomorrow brings

Like the fireflies of the night
Every man embodies his own lamp
Today is a poem ; tomorrow a firefly

Trouble not your soul, my sun
For life is fire, fire is lamp in the time of night
Every man embodies his own lamp

Samuel Onyeche..
Author of " On the Wings of a Butterfly" to read it

Style / type: 
Free verse
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


that is a poem of profound nature! I am going to hope, that you have personified your son, by calling him sun. [That doesn't sound quite right, but I think you get what I mean]. I think it entirely fitting that speaking of fire in a person's soul and calling him his own lamp, can bring the vision of a man's son, being a sun. Nice job anyway, I don't think that I would change a thing! ~ Geezer.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Thanks Geezer.. your review is highly appreciated

author comment

The message behind your poem speaks volumes. I like how you reference the two identities of the snake. This holds true with humans as well. Well written. Would not change a thing.



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