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slips into the
underworlds abyss
the little glimmer
colds touch damp shiver

running lean
on rotten brakes
a shoulder ravaged
with nerves all damaged

cars hiss prowling shapes
an echo music in my
head makes
wonderland voodoo
of here and there
puddles like a giants

fest of sleeping dripping
winter drowned
beneath the florid dreams
a raven wears a glistening


Editing stage: 


one criticism here and it might seem to be a small one, but I feel that it could add to the impact of this work. I feel that you have put the stanzas in the wrong order. I would switch them around a little bit. First off, I would reverse the order of the first and second and then reverse the third and fourth.
I love your imagery as always and the added effect of the little rhyming is the topper for me! .
.As ever ~ Gee.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

like train cars...the morning five ten freight
I used to like to see walking the dog under
the popular underpass trail....something
about the great light and sound and noise
the beasts passage....patterned as animals
as we are...the migration...

it indeed works much more interesting Geezer!
and the rhyming, well I loved the radio growing
up..still the steppies old cd radio..she
keeps everything in top shape...up north with her
new hardworking young man...her two jobs...
she never even undid the actual small wire
antennae...I copied her ways and on my cell phone
for music I downloaded from audio...I liked the far
off..washed out its reactions..why the
rolling side shows and travelling steamboats
had the calliopes....the enigma of the 'call' upon
entering or leaving...still a ritual..

saving the return of listening to radio only.turning
off the television although I love television..history
channel...adventure channel and cartoon network
the abstract I like to the myth search of the solid
history....I have lived too..carrying heavy packs hitchiking
poking about the ruins and old forgotten houses full of
their time worn forgotten lives. up the static on stormy nites..
truly is another world..

and I have my old cd player...for a buck one can buy
and mixed..DELIBRES 'Flowers Duet' I whistle harmonica
need the blues harp man...LIGHTNIN HOPKINS BIG MOMMA THORTON
on and on....

parents had keen dad rode the railroad jigger...when they got one....when he
was a young man they walked the fifteen mile sections...taking a lunch mom was
a nurse assistant and small pull and plug switchboard...course like all moms see everything
but she was always admiring nature..and had a vivid imagination...on my birth side my grandfather
was a handyman on the reserve....a trapper and dead eye shot....but it went like day he
would be digging a well....filled it back in...said he saw a whole world down there that no one else
needed to see...that was the one and only one story i got...they were afraid of him...figured i got the touch too....but visual is pretty much the way it goes...we worked on cars....maintenance..but
we drove the single lane highway eleven kings highway weekends to the city....nothing then to see
a four to five hour bumper to bumper miles and miles stoppage due to some fatal crash..greasing checking the tie rods...tire pressure..oil topped up..rad..battery..wipers..things oiled...
they were in touch with the social and world and immediate intimate of their contact with everything..would take us into the backyard at night to marvel at the moon...northern lites..tell ghost stories when the power went out and the mysteries only spoken when the modern fire
quit working....

vietnam was full time on television with MASH and ALL IN THE FAMILY and PRICE IS RIGHT
and social upheaval which was discussed over the cramped but comfortable cozy kitchen.
liberal but grounded in the realist practical of day to day operations.

military helicopters...would pass over on odd day or nights doing operations
so from television to the actual visual and hearing the large machines just added
to the whole experience....and I read books..comix a lot then..
a lot of my friends were musicians and artists...studying hard in high school they liked
dropping in....would always have a sketch pad going...they often doodled poems.little
drawings..a whole cadre of bright and cross section of the elite and the surviving...

gotta book it to my place for a few nights at the Motel..a large lively place...
not just a few units with office..this place has a bar...businesses..old conference rooms
real character..organized! pack bag over on my old beat
up pedal bike...dinner in the fry pan....Bunni listening to judge judy upstairs..this is
her place..

might actually come back and put the order as U of the few times
I actually re worked my works..

thank U Gee! we are brothers of the road!

with much regards,
Mr Wolf!

author comment

writes the same, but I just felt that it might make a difference in the way it impacted the reader.
I really try to get the full effect of the mood you are creating. I am glad that you didn't take offense at the suggestion and actually thought that it might work out! ~ Gee, your brother of the road.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

oh I know....punctuation, properness.
and now Im writing backwards
bad enough the reversed sentence
structure...if there is one

Hey thank U for the comments!
had a few head injuries over time
back when I was Orgami I included
more punctuation. The writing was
more of a structured 'telling' work
but this is whats coming out of late

obscura land

the birds were crowding atop the
masts of electronic today....
some days they are on the snowbanks
and i the rain the beads of water rest
on their heads like jewels
their feathers have surfboards
of the air so they dont get soggy

maybe my thinking is getting rattled like
ive been lately
but i shall continue

it would be good to try to just write
something normal
damn...forgot to bring down my coffee
just woke up trying to remember the
dreams i always have
and they are just as slow paced
and out there...

B cooking chicken....
television drones on main floor
big ol comfy basement
place here and my own are
celebrating events...
no rooms of
geez its sounding like a
and im squinting into the
fog of thinking....lately
is been clouded
delving....worries..the all people

but thanks again
it can be randomly arranged
used to hang out with these
brainy people
had the sticker fridge word but good
words...we would arrange
them into cryptic witty
and inane funny scripts

years ago now

Thank U!


author comment

my need for punctuation in your works, I find that you get on quite nicely without it and it doesn't affect the meaning of it in any way. I just thought that you might like a little critique now and then to let you know that you are read and I am really paying attention to your writing, not just mouthing the words. Writing backwards; huh! Reminds me of the white knight in Alice's world. I used to be able to set type for the old platen presses, a skill learned in prison that was outdated by the time I got out, maybe before I even got there. I can read upside down and backwards. I did learn to make handcrafted book covers and how to run a couple of the old presses. Pretty neat stuff. I got a job at a printing co. so that I could make parole. Keep on writing however you write, I'll keep reading! ~ Gee.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

I did like two silk screen runs of my artwork in high school
eighties...they had a machine that etched out the screens
the pottery kiln for art class was in the old science lab room
a narrow but well lit place i hung out while the art teachers
who were friends took lunch...acess to the dark room but
i had my own camera...we used sturdy old russian zenits..
but none of us had the drive...talent really create
the super impressionable works like some schools see...

was too busy sitting in the cafe watching people and actually
befriending young women! or bored of that would skip the
noon run and drive forty miles to the big bustling tourist town
listening to the stereo and laying up on the hood of the car
smoking then everyone knew me...barely a
soul said anything because I would talk to people...and the
cars were all top shape...waxed...white walls scrubbed..

printing presses like typewriters...the lost art..
almost..niche now....BURKS FALLS ONTARIO..
ALMAGUIN NEWS..then..a mill town..closest to
an american feel of it..brick.winding streets on
knolls by the river..swayback hardwood mill
still going....american muffler plant going..
brass factory then making
i think it does military stuff...
but the paper had the old machine..

knew many from the inside...the big nasty
prisons....the old ones too...jails.
did ten days in special..suicide watch
was looking at two years
no priors...
got a conditional discharge
paid and made amends.stuck
the courses out..did probation

before this my ol lady came
from a small hard rock mining
town...still going
many of her friends survived
do the the fine
do the time...
it was this huge bag of writing
drawings..tatoo designs they
did on the inside...asked her
if I could read their work and she
said yes....explained them to me
the poetry was exceptional
the drawings detailed
nothing but time in there
then she was in her prime
tiny..cute as a button and
took no shit....those were
her bars the three downtown
pool hustler...rode with the
boys and not in cars..
hustler dad...worked hard
drove hot rods....which he
let her...

always wondered if i would
fit in...even on that resort
jail we have here..
chicken cordon blue tea checks.
stuck it out on the quiet
with another young man
who lived a tough life
but explained it to me
which I got..
in court holding the big
dudes and I got along well
five minutes in and I got it
why i was there...
our ways and the women
no one was blaming the women
they missed em

so...U got working as an artisan
pretty cool my friend!
a techie like majority of my friends!
super neat! i used to draw weird
interesting covers for that zine
ABERATIONS or something
I was always misspelling the title
in the sketch..
they were always on my ass about
my misspelled poetry..why i quit
ha ha..

ah..just lazy rebel..

thanks man..I do appreciate the nods
and I do know I am read

gotta go up and eat my ol ladies cooking
she put in extra spices....
she does enjoy making me happy!!

saw a segment on wolves
the lead wolf is at the back
the old ones lead
setting the pace..the strongest
run next in line

if u got a pack..
too free a spirit voice
and not dominant enough
to run the show they
ask U out..
why they are still around
why I like them

okay...gotta go...

Thanks Brother!


author comment

As always, I enjoyed the walk through the poetic write, then as I have become so use to, the writing after the main work.
The journey's taken and the life portrayed of you and on this one Gee answering with a look into his own domain.
You two should collaborate and write a book.
Steve early times I use to have a four valve radio that put out four watts of noise, four bands of people and countries came through, I used the washing line as an aerial and felt the pulse of life.
I also had an eight track tape player the music on them was great.
I have here at the moment two of the BBC's Radio collection Tapes, one is four tapes of the Goon Show classics, the other is four tapes of the Dead Ringers complete series three, I have several tape players here and most of the talks with the children is on 125 tapes, also I have loads of old tapes and they are a joy, at night when I go to bed I play one of the tapes, mind you I don't get to the end.
I even have a tape of the music at Fridays in Ottawa a bar we use to go to, also one of a group from up north some place singing their own songs, they are priceless, I will look that one out and show the words as they are from a town up past Churchill..
Sometimes being old has its good points lol.
Anyway you keep writing and I will talk to you later, Yours Ian..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

how words flow to you
like Niagara
I alone depicted the FALLS .

.But then you don't read messages and our poetry's now at all

May your works become a Poetic INTERNETIC Encyclopedia for all

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