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Cremation quickens reincarnation without taxing cemeteries

Each birthday brings me closer
to ineluctable, inescapable, inexorable... demise,
whereby I gently (albeit mentally) Italicize
soon yours truly will wrestle with mortality
impossible mission to challenge grim reaper,
also known as Thanatos,
(the actual Greek personification Death)
in Greek Mythology
cuz she/he who will optimize
transmutation of once
garden variety living flesh to visualize
absolute zero breath
roughly approximated every night
when yours truly
lays his head down to rest.

As an atheist,
I accept consciousness of self
(and/or free) will to surrender existence
via one last breath by dint of senescence
or cessation by self imposed choice,
(especially instances involving euthanasia),
where terminal illness(es)
ofttimes promises prolonged
agonizing, festering,
kickstarting, officiating, reprehensible
physical unbearable zingers),

hence tis fitting and proper
to accept said unavoidable life sentence
given at birth asper ultimate death,
although approximation surmised
when termination of existence limned
insync viz keen awareness of mortality,
the dogmatic, electric, fantastic... human body
consigned to house solely lovely bones,
no matter constitution trimmed
to optimal health,
there doth not exist means
to graft eternal longevity and belie

escaping descending into maws of oblivion,
thus impossible to outwit curse to die,
thus necessary yet painful task to accept
with stony silence grave fum foo fie
especially when joie de vivre
instills this once gun shy
now grown nonsexagenarian chap
to utter a friendly “hi”
to an anonymous passerby,
this self-induced exposure
re: gestalt therapy tests comfort zone be

cuz, a rush of sheer delight arises
when being amiable, civil,
and exuding Noah Dee
Mand, but simply reveling
in the infinitesimal linkedin union,
and tis also free
with an asset
to impact positive repercussions
toward those in near proximity – hee
haw, this euphoric after effect,
when a complete and utter stranger

pleasantly reciprocates and doth smile
and possibly even surprises her/himself
blurting out a verbal greeting, a trial
most unknown pedestrians
seem taken aback,
when a spontaneous impetus to while
away my consciousness aware
that nobody escapes “stay n alive”
the recurrent refrain
courtesy of the Bee Gees,
who set disco afire in every drive-in
and dance hall, whence a brief dalliance

from hated grim reaper truncated wish to jive
until some indeterminate date
of particular choosing,
one would forsake the live
wire coursing across the River Styx,
thru each master fully baited cell
to relish (hot diggity dog) and strive
to maximize the transient personal foray,
when corpse eternally resting in peace
a random fluke of seminal fusion,
where no renewal sans
the chronological leave

essentially forks over beating, mating
and throbbing heart ceases,
where survivors grieve
aware corporeal essence
undergoes decomposition,
and recycled, unless one doth believe
in afterlife, which no challenge made,
yet for me, one generic mortal
thine molecular matter slipped back
into mobius feedback fruit loop
becoming fodder

to sustain other organic matter,
yet I will never know
if thee cellular composition of yours truly
will enrich soil on does scoop
and/or atoms of mine indistinguishable,
where madding crowd doth troop
wherein bajillion microbes
of corpse relish fancy feast
(if one adept to hear vocalizations),
would be analogous to indigenous tribes
as victors voicing war whoop.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
Opt-in: Neopoet AI will critique your poem.


The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Cremation quickens reincarnation without taxing cemeteries" is a contemplative piece on mortality and the inevitability of death. The poem explores the speaker's thoughts on death, the afterlife, and the impact of one's existence on the world. The language used in the poem is complex and rich, with a mix of literary and scientific references.

One suggestion for improvement would be to focus on the structure of the poem. While the poem has a clear theme, the structure is somewhat disjointed, with ideas and references jumping from one to the next. Consider organizing the poem into stanzas or sections that focus on specific aspects of the theme.

Additionally, some of the language used in the poem may be difficult for readers to understand, which could detract from the overall impact of the piece. Consider simplifying some of the more complex language or providing context for the references used.

Overall, the poem offers a unique perspective on mortality and the impact of one's

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

read this in installments! Although it was quite entertaining at first, after a few chapters, the novelty wears off. I will assume
that you have at least a high-school education and most probably some college, because of all the weighty words used in the proper context. I think that maybe you could have said as much in half the space as what was used. Not a waste of my time,
but surely, you could have been more succinct! ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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