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CONFLAGRATION III - Last of a trilolgy


deamons flying in the night
shadows black across moonlight.
Heaven’s Wars had ended
and the Fallen Ones
once Heaven’s Delight
carried the mark of treachery
in their hellish, twisted forms
for no evil can be hidden long.
then Man was created to the likeness
of the Maker of all things, and to him
was given a Soul in which lay the seed
of his splendor…and his fall



and the heavens suddenly
grew dark
as dark as the depths
of Creation
and the Earth trembled
opening deep and brackish
engulfing the Wingèd Fallen
to God’s Command
Seducers of Man
Makers of Pain and Suffering
Assassins of the pure
and Innocent


And so with leaded wings they fell

while into the desolate Abyss they plunged :
some lifted their voices to GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO
in a last hope for Mercy . None was granted.

God withdrew into His Kingdom
and the Angels wrapped their wings
around themselves in a silent mourning .
All was at peace...until Creation


Deamons flying in the night
shadows black across moonlight.
Heaven’s Wars had ended
and the Fallen Ones once Heaven’s Delight
carried the mark of treachery
in their hellish, twisted forms
for no evil can be hidden long.
then Man was created to the likeness
of the Maker of all things, and to him
was given a Soul in which lay the seed
of his splendor…and his fall.

Editing stage: 


it told better my friend! Your power is still remarkable! ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

many thanks !!! :)

author comment

can ever stand besides you
in competition
even now Joe
yo alone know
as much as I too

thank u my dear friend

author comment
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