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I am not dead
I am just changing
Unfolding as a rose
tipped by dew
in warm basking
of freedoms light
... Alive yet incoherent
Solving my enemies
as queens to pawns
Eclipsing the moon drops
of Aslan and his armies
Meadows of heather,
lilac and lavender
Mushrooms ballooning
across eastern east
The dragon smoking
puffing his pipe
while crawdads race
across marble floors
in the crystal palace
there my Lyrical one
Sing me a song about
toys and guns
Price my head between
your headphones
and record me laughing
from now to the stardom
of my ripples of time'
In glaciered rhyme
Seasons of Mine...


Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


A dream of variety, not held in one place just a wander, though I would like to read of the crawdads and the creatures in their own right..
A fun Dream, Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

Thank you

Dare To Dream

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