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Trickle of smoke like a smear on the stars
climbs straight up
'like its lookin' fer its momma'
cradles the tin in her hands
King Beer, Carlin' Ice
tip toes on the fresh packed snow
Vincent will be working late
riding season's not far off

stops catching the stars for
a moment letting the burn of
the Grey Goose in her room
settle...Been a brutal day
her feet melting into the drive
like the dog paw prints
Like her dads King Sheperd
when they busted him
they put Tiger down
lassoed him with a stick
and a cable
she cried for days
taught him from a puppy
Carls gone away for a long
long time her momma said
combing her hair

she pops the tab on the
beer and swings the door
to the work shed open
(no music tonight?)
'Hey Kiddo! slow night?'
she tips her head back
and takes a long slow slug
of the beer..grimaces wiping
her mouth with checked flannel
'thought U might be thirsty!'
He stands up..his jeans and
shirt muddied with grease
and oil...sets the wrenches
'was just thinking of coming in
for a break, ( leans back looking
over his shoulder to the bike..carbs
sitting on the milkcrate..a gooseneck
lamp shines on it)
He reaches out...takes the beer
and drinks long and hard..
she smiles up at him...always
liking how he smelled of gasoline
and varasol...woodsmoke from
working out here..
Looks over his glasses at her
'slow nite sport..figured u would
be out with your bestie!'
she stands next to the little stove
holding out her foot flexing the
ankle enjoying its radiant heat
A tea kettle simmers atop..
his hot chocolate is nearby

'naw..drop'n'stops shut down for
a month...Bebee is visitng her
boyfriend..they got a weekend
till he transfers north again,
watcha working on?'
he nods taking her in with his
'oh just putting fresh seals on
her..give her some more oomph
whenever this winter decides to
pack up and head south!'

she swings her legs over the
machine...and leans forward
squints into the imaginary wind
looks up at him with one eye
still squinted..
'when ya gonna teach me to
drive her?'
he laughs...another sip of
beer...the warmth...Grey Goose\
slides further into the comfort
he takes a big sigh...
'told you...when you got your
car learners..get a feel of the
cages..then I will teach you
if..its okay with your ma'

he sits on the small chair
and picks up the tools
all he has to do is re attach
it to the motor

'can I help?'
he almost starts to say no
remembering when his son
was alive
when he was younger then
she...both of them working
till late
and he stops himself
'uh..sure sport..U can help me
tighten up the bolts...I can use
a little help holding the carb
its easy enough but goes a lot
faster with two people!'
he can see her happy smile
she bounces on the balls of
her feet and small tears of joy
glisten at the corners of her

he kneels down on one knee
and grabs the carb..puts his
finger on the gaskets to hold
them in place..
she bends down next to
him...legs straight
her hip brushing his shoulder
'okay..I just gotta tilt her for
moment...okay looks good
if you wanna just hold her
here...yah...thats right...
opps..oh s'kay..wait...i gotta
the nut..gotta grab a box
end to this...'

her hair spills down
shinning in the lamp
over his wrist
hes got the wrench
and like a magician,
(she thinks) hes slipping
all the pieces together..

their arms entwined
he puts his face
closer to see all the
space and tolerance
in profile he looks
like the photos on
the bookcase of
his son
her arms are hurting
even though its polished
but hes swift on threading
it all together..
the wrench and his arm
in movement
his watch on leather
strap flickering in the light
she bends her knees
to relieve the strain
and she falls into him
but he catches her
'easy girl..we aint got her
yet!' her a quick smile
she turns her head on her
long neck...her hair
falling across his eyes
he stops for a moment
and deftly sure
tucks her hair behind
one ear..
she hopes there will
be grease marks

'whats that cologne yer
she elbows him
'silly billy.its not cologne
its from the Verve in the
mall..its called Candifloss'
he nods..almost got the
bolts on
He knows not to laugh..
shes a sensitive one

' can let go now
I gotta torque it just so'
she waits for a moment
admiring the work
happy to be included in
his world
hes so guarded
stands up...stretching her
arms...arching her back
catchs him taking a quick
he never notices much
but I know he sees everything
she thinks

He stands too...mirroring
her..his arms can touch the
ceiling...he reachs for the
beer and takes another
long drink..
his beard is growing longer
more white...its a good look

they stand speechless while
the fire crackles and pops
then her phone hums with
an incoming text from her
the spell is broken
but she waits to answer
the bike sits gleaming
and the moon
shines in through the
window....frost on the
single pane etching


Editing stage: 


Superb. Regards Roscoe....

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

I was cramp noting to cbc radio at my
desk at home...recording to cassette
for the eight track cassette conversion
then...driving to school to get my grade
twelve at least save dropping
enough to know without it...all hope would
be lost for me for even basic jobs that
even then were being automated..
But upper classman friends
gathered at this one house...rambling
euro designed structure from afar...
not the north american variety
these were high brows...
They listened to upper music
hipper then what I liked
we just made our own punk versions
taping an old car speaker that we
reversed through the input on the
amplifier...sounded exactly like an
electric fuzztoned all to hell..
same with microphone...years ahead
of ourselves in creativity...I knew it
I dont think they saw it that way

my typings and typewriter and ex still
has..sketches still tacked to the fridge
of my ex I gave a child too...along with
my kids twenty six?
the ex still buys little poetry tablets
paper for her new beaus to write in
She came up once for a visit...a carton
of store boughts for us...and a tablet
for he and for I...He was a twenty six
year old Dean Moriarity..she was
forty eight!

everyone wants to be a part of the artists
life...the madman writer...the photographer
they Lived and still do...madness eating the
edges of their focus...psychopathy like
syphillus...yet the flame drawing the winged
wonders near

see me..notice a part of my life...
there was no escape....nor need be
like an old detective with a fresh new
partner shooting angles
like the biker with a new rider
a trail quest....
the puzzle...all three sides
fits into place
exotic..tonic...exhileration and
madness combined
the old shaken loose from the
mothballed mooring with an
oceans depths and swells
beneath..a skyline at every
qaudrant...and the youth
shorn of the shortfalls and
time consuming logic churning
along with the sea leg of life
experience to the old wolf
and the young wolf
mission after mission what
looks to the outside like
an impossible gathering
a common theme in literature
and movies

I study a lot of movies..rented
them out by the tons at most
librarys in towns I lived..when I
was not working the crowds
and reading....then....three books
at a time and magazines to study
the works and its people..
sociology...never a tiring subject
and a natural flair for commanding
naunce detailing...

been a good interesting
run....saw legends...helped make
em....saw em fall like burning wrecks

and forever the jewels

thank U roscoe!


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