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erstwhile seasons
like porch chimes
and rusted yard swings

this heat laze sips the
tranquil forest snows
the thicket springs voice
in creeks lucid luxury gush
how U drank in your
breath like a thirsty lush
the sun on dappled
chest dipped
the delicate pulse
of words and that
poised sculpt of
the filtertipped light
in fingers glossed in
french pearl

wandering the travellers
we cooked up frankinscense
in brass braziers
burning violet candles
like rolls of svelte lava

the sun simmering in its
golden sheaves through
the victorians windows
in spring
the maze of branches
woven in its skein
like magic shadow patterns
on the crescent youth
of the precious profile

your eyes the ambrosial
jewel reflecting light
like the pools beneath
our bridge of night
the rusted trim and
tardy beams
the shelter to the rains
while the river swam
by in its glittering

How many seasons
now since we dipped
our fingers in each
others hair
and tasted the warmth
of extravagant promise
on lips soft
and waiting

the fan rattling in the
window as storms
pounded the lakes
shallow shores
hungry for its purchase
the flash glittering
through the dusted
our hush as we
fell into the depths
of dreams
and careless sleep

lean back while I
dress U
tie the shoes
that you ran on
slipped the shiny
button through the denim
your head cocked
bemused crook of
a smile riding to the
how simple
times were
in its rough logic

but we strove
we manned
the line
extending to the
air of the edge
and over
madness in our
while springs fat blossoms
fell into the flat azure of
springs last tears

I was happy
its end....

Editing stage: 


I remember wanting to be rid of the creative
and a kind intelligent soul told me..I would be bored..the world
would be less for all the great things that I do emote....I struggled
and dis believed my worth for years trying to destroy with drugs
lack of food sleep and risk the very fortune of life that God or the
creator great spirit befit me with..along with the great gifts...
and forever I was pulled back from the edge...sometimes swirling
in its doubt...a second change...a third chance..
Its been very good lately...thanks to this site for my sanity ..
friendship and release from writing...without it....I think I would
have truly given up.
and all my friends here along with me in the walk...persuading me
to dig into the goodness that is within the very bark..structure..
deep of what makes us all similar and human....for them I hope
my latest change to be positive and away from the dark shall
be a profitable benefit....

the dark shall always be there....the freedom of choice in
every soul
the more I nourish myself with light....the more fearful
and the more stronger I become
and more useful to others and mostly to myself
it has been an extremely long long road but
worth every word...
in critique and in support..

to all U here...I thank U

this poem is a fiction expression
of all the Love I tried to find
comfort..the longing and ache
of the wants and needs
of those along with way
that shone to my liking
despite myself...the many
makings of novelettes and
paragraphs that came and
went sometimes fast and
sometimes achingly slow

in the absence of it all
the fondness is there after
all when all the wreckage
one day at a time is
little by little faced..dealt
with and accepted...
the ordeal of lonliness is
almost over as I make the
peace with the selves of
personas and its refuge
and haunts within...

I shall continue to write
I shall continue to persevere
in Today the wellness I
have been given in support
and friendship
and civility

thank U


author comment

I am grateful for the person you are and the trip that you have made to become you. I am so glad that you found Neo. and I have received the benefit of your friendship. Darkness and light, Ying and Yang.There is no light without the dark and no Ying without the Yang. I hope that you continue to be well and keep on writing. I have learned much from you, just by reading your works. The turn of a phrase sometimes stays in my head until I have to write something that typifies the vision that it gives me and then I am satisfied. I hope that you will continue to give me those visions for a long time to come! Thank you, ~ Gee

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Happy that U and the others find such inspiration....harmony and dischord and creativity!
the feast of words....the fast of inspiration...Thank U

author comment

You're a distinguished poet. You gave this site more than anyone would ask. Your comments were an inspiration for many. From your vocab I learned a lot. I might not understand everything you say, but the general images you paint have always stunned me.
Please don't ever give up to be you.
Thank you for sharing.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Much like this poet..but is a good place sometimes...
I remain being me in the meantime....
today is hot in the sun but cool in the wind....fashionable ragged shirt..a dark tie with diagonal stripes.
bling on...sunglasses on....dark black car coat jacket
and the dress shoes....since cleaning up I desire to look
the aged Patriarch that I can be...useful and instrumental
in the creative audience and family here..

Thank U

author comment

I find memories troublesome, though they inevitably pop into awareness at convenient, and not so convenient times. I push them aside mostly, but you turn them into cinemascopic prayers of salvation, salvaging the hopes, humanity, and soul of yourself and others.
Yes, you do have that gift
and I am glad... for it, for you, and for myself



All I was....Ego and memories....the frustration simmering..
how I had to bash out the works....and burned much..
heaps of papers in september nights.. I have to create again...keep going till I found
this voice...since the eighties...
that long...but it has paid off..and belonging here..
reading the others works that I find great amounts
of new turns and tricks to forge the new creations..

Thank U Al!

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