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bravery who am I to saying that I know what bravery is
Even though I'm stronger than more people then I know
bravery to me it's a stand up and accept what it is to be free
even though I tend to find myself looking below
mainly because I'm still learning how to grow
no more of a s*** show but look out cuz I'm ready to blow
I never really understood what it meant to have full bravery until I learned about the famous James Avery
having full bravery or even a knowledge of what bravery is I guess I must because I stood tall in the trees, and began to roar like a Lion without any fear in my bones
Even on most of my days I've been the one who collected the stones that were thrown out into the unknown.
Bravery is getting through the day knowing you are a product of slavery
With a constant burden of you may pass on the same very thing
through the rips and shreds I still can be resewn.
even though she was in the treetops being a roaring lion you still never catch her lying
you might be able to catch me lying down
but that doesn't mean I've ever stopped trying
bravery can be known or unknown but it's all dependent on if you're the one who is not fully grown but done living in the unknown and not feeling ever so alone

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Hello, JJ,
This has a lot of feeling when read out loud. Have you ever participated in slam poetry? (Spoken, performance poetry.)
This would be a wonderful entry. So much emotion, and the rhythm and rhyme are just a tiny bit off, which allows pause for dramatic effect.
Thank you!

Hi L, thank you for your love and support towards my entry, I would love to connect further conversations and see how some of writings are worthy of putting them further into the writing community. I look forward to hearing from you and potentially being friends on here and sharing our writings with each other?

author comment

Just jump in and post your poetry! You may want to keep in mind that it's really important to comment on other poets' work, too. That encourages them to comment on your posts, and is also a great way to learn more about the craft. I tend to focus on how a poem affects me, and what it stirs in me, but you will also get suggestions regarding grammar, punctuation, and poetry style...and more. All to be given and taken in a friendly setting. Poetry is to be shared...
Thank you!

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