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aclimatize the tension
pull this string
across a bow
wave wow

shut down the drag chute
sweet to the bone
speed on an angle
torrid fled chrome
deflections track
that aint turning back
whispers and curses
burgundy to black

crickets in shadow
eyes on the creek
swinging the chain
glitter like teeth

runway momma
come touch down
flying on fumes


Editing stage: 


first paragraph of poem is about journeys
a lot of them are jittery..but after you get moving
driving...walking..first few days of a new place find that pace
Bow wave is like flow of traffic if your not in
too much a hurry...sailed in a small boat
and when you caught the wind right
and u planed out...or on a bigger boat
be it outboard in inboard...theres a sweet
spot...that wow...guess its like giving a
speech....or getting a good report from
the check up..

drag chute...after that rush or worry
or fear....metaphor to kicking off your
shoes of doing brutal chore runs in
the cold or stressed out holiday seasons
I find I feel the mood of crowd and street
more then I should...sometimes the adrenalin
kicks in and at some point....crank on the
binders....breath in...breathe out...
sailing they throw out a chute in water
to pull the boat straight so it doesnt trip
on its run....

angle reference...guess its like hunting
leading the shot...sometimes if your dog
punching your winter meal is flying
or your trying to figure out where to
angle the money...the x spot...
driving its like drifting
a bit offset...
surfing it would be running the wave
instead of just sliding down the face
'torrid fled chrome'
when you gotta move fast..
the light makes things sharper
natural instincts
i just use it here to make it seem

'whispers and curses..burgundy to
black' always seem to do things
past lunch....cutting wood..old days
or shovelling snow...cutting grass
sunlight falling...self talk..
like running out of light
or driving somewhere...and its
gonna rain...that violet afternoon
or self gonna make

crickets in shadow...august...autumn
always busy time of year
driving and u can hear em in the fields
harvest times...get ready for winter
back to work...darkness coming
also beautiful too...

'eyes on the creek' in this one
line it means the sunlight on the water
when leaves fall....sunlight dropping
lower....that light through the more
open of the little forests..
i always think of water as alive..metaphor
like its happy...dancing....
that time of year...
instead of thinking Im looking more...

'swinging the chain'
glitter like teeth..

same deal..light..detailing...
people wear crosses..or
tokens of their belief systems
gold...silver...some material
a lot of times people smile
the motion of going somewhere
paperwork..job errand
just stretching their legs

gold sterling or interesting
being confident and thick
skin I often ask them about
their tatoo...items...
most explain and I share
mine....a few remain quiet
about it and I dont push it
few have told me none of
my business...fair enough
but in all the years...

was going to mention a
cross....I have an elk bone
carved small one..
on a sturdy dark string
copper faded green
wrapped about the arms
maltese style
looks centuries old
but its handcrafted
and less then five
years....I stopped
wearing it so i dont
lose it...

im always exhausted
running on little sleep
my mind too active...
physically everyone
i live with likes that
I do running...errands the
busyness of its business

i often meet the ladies
who are working... not the working
girls...although they
are about!
everyone has a purpose
everyone has a motive

i think back to the chance
in passing talks
and realize they were as
running as I was
been told I was a breath
of fresh air later...
that they were looking
good but struggling at
that time...
they know my story
and wondered how i just
kept going
cause I dont have a hell
of a lot..
and like a bright leader
of sorts said..
U got a lot of pokers
in the fire...
tough job being a trickster

so thats the poem under the nutshell
and adornment
and atonement
for that need to
book it at a level
and be aware
not to stumble
and thats a word from
the bible too...

Mr W

author comment

you were explaining what you had written to someone else. [I didn't need it!] I usually feel the work as if you were speaking to me of the emotion you felt as you wrote. Thank you Mr. Wolf, I never get tired of your views of life. ~ Gee.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

My youth when I wasnt driving construction trucks slugging
cement blocks helping build load scaffolds..mix cement..
with the all ages crazy men...i got free time..winters off..
then it was slugging through four feet of snow to remove
that off the big slanting roofs of cottages...fifteen dollars
a roof time money...we, all us bros group that
hung out lived with our parents still..helping out....all mommas
boys.. good mothers..had the side that we knew mom
put down my friends dog when he was away at college...
kept her three a female friend this happened too
to..came home to find her parents out...and her dog in winter
wrapped in a blanket and bag..put down..both dogs were aging
but healthy...i remember my one friend who helped him mom
and she helped him too....wrote him a birthday the
best son in the world...and crossed out with magic marker
the Best...I knew her...she loved me...but I wasnt her son...
in the end she was proud of him cause he worked very hard
and told me that.....then I knew he had won the approval
all the parents were from europe before the war and her
during....the horrors after the war was worse she said..anything the eventual fear of the world we mastered all in
our way and did very well...all things considered...

they let me stay on till the i got away from that
protected and charged atmospheres of the ups and downs
was by meeting a worldly woman...went from zero to sixty
nothing to do but hang on...Like that motorcycle ride with
a chum....a bored out honda eleven something..seventy
five...headers..windscreen...eighty miles an hour around
these corners in Algonquin Park...winding rocky pineswept
land..beautiful...then on the straight aways to show his
prowess and love of speed we broke the speedometer
at the camp he was bedding all the top staffers...
and in off times we hung out laughing at my records
i had bought B-52's Idaho Potatoe we drank beer and roared
eventually I settled with a robust woman..fiery...
and that was that....
but during all that time...most of the jobs and women one
did not have time to plunk siloqouys...
even at latest job i have yet to re emerge at to day clean
with the techs......five minutes tops to get intel on what
to do...and often many variables...hours and pay were
good on all jobs....but this fast machine gun exchange
was what I know.....same with the pole line contract with
big fast but like dogs..
few words....competing with the other crews..there were get in the most poles per day and or removal
and anchors drilled in rock..

the calm reflective poetry I remember writing as ORGAMI
long ago....stories were well written....they were slower
and detailed...the imagery panned out more...they were
voyueristic in visual with more mystery....
this is a romping hopping stomping
work of late...

If I had all my ex's in one room....and my friends..
basically only place will be my funeral
it will be the interesting crowd...i got to see this
with my lively..very lively and original friends that
passed since arriving here and taking this
I mean living with others here
in my city...

thus this new speedier style of write
the forlorn exchanges between the troubled
peoples are based on real circumstances
lucky for me....having had to adapt in social
circles...I fit in...and still be myself..
why I like people who have travelled
always meeting people on the road to talk
or on Facebook...people of the world

glad u get these writes as U do
and others...
lifes a journey....

cold here today but beautiful
glittery snow.good streets..
cities not doing badly...
off to the mall later on my pink
mongoose mountian bike
steppies old ride
my rides are broke...cant
afford nine gear
rear casettes sprocket on
the italian speed cruiser
will run me fifty four dollars
and I have to get Five Oh's
company mechanic at their
old location to weld my
frame...asked for some
spot of grease and he gave
me the whole tube which I
use...said the girls that own
the company wouldnt mind
Gift of the Gab..

Hope your winter is going
well for U....spring will get
here in due time...

Mr Wolf!

author comment

just gave us what I think is his last shot. Really cold here the last few days. Yes, spring will arrive in due time, but I can't wait! I get a big kick out of the people that pull Mr. Groundhog out of his burrow and say "He saw his shadow, six more weeks of winter!" I guess that they don't realize that he doesn't really work that way. In the wild, he comes out on his own and THEN if he sees his shadow... A couple of years ago, he bit one of his handlers, I figure that he was pissed off at having been dragged out of a nice warm bed, shoved out into the cold and a bunch of flashes going off in his face! Jess sometimes reminds me of that groundhog, Kind of pissy when he is forced out of his burrow and faced with the fast and furious pace of the world. Anyhow, I figure that When Spring gets here and we get a little sun and warmth, Old Jess will warm up too! Cheers!
~ Gee.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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