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We all strive to find a special place
above all others; a unique space
that rises above the commonality
of the human race and belies mortality;
we storm the heavens in conflagration,
like fallen angels, and curse the inequity
of Creation only to live in constant anguish
not to know what we are not meant to know
for all is beyond our understanding.
ignorance is our peace and our salvation
arrogance Is our Fall.

Editing stage: 


find his own way, maybe never knowing all there is to know, but always wanting to know. Maybe it is better not to know...Who knows? When we shuffle from this mortal coil, to rest in the earth, where do we go, what is next? We won't know until we get there. ~ Gee

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

I wonder but really don't want to know.

author comment

but you must know
there is nothing afterwards to know ...we all just go ...have you ever observed a dead rat... if not then do so.... you will see what will also become of thee.... and you, notwithstanding human or animal... we all are just like one... someone.. unknown one ...wanting the world to know ...we were someone.... but the fact remains ...we are now no one.... the one time superior body becomes.. just a body ...wheres' s the body... bury it ...cremate it ...then from somebody, within no span of time.... we become forgotten no body....for this fact alone we all should remain ..for ever ready ..... no one who came and is no more... can ever explain... do not disdain ..... be happy on Earth far as you do remain... Period.

yes. yoou are wise. I was with my mom and saw her deaw her last breath. The sudden silence was overwhelming/

author comment

summers dust a pavement unpaved section
thick as a storm
bright as a ravage
in a blink the flagman stopped dead the lead
line truck trailer with forty footer just above
hood height between trailer ramps
its flag swinging in the breeze
the clouds parted and I locked the one
tonne up
skidding towards my mortality
I held the wheel
I knew someone would be coming the other
way...if I ducked..what then
truck destroyed...following too close too fast
all happened so fast
the seconds drawn down to high def slow mo
a deep fresh ditch and a rock cut
pillar to post
swerved a bit and skidded to a halt
less then three feet
we were doing fifty
if he had stopped two feet to my left
had the dust cloud for that second
had not parted
for me...there must be a god
and others had spoken too
of allowances
the tolerances
of the teeth of that mill
that drags others in
what after
i saw things when I was
a child that others didnt
then my child too
"Whose the pretti lady in the
kitchen?" one october evening
in our old victorian apartment
on a climbing wooded street
I went back to watch television
and she came back and
said she was still there
I went back to the kitchen
and asked her if she was
still there...she nodded no!
my child was three!

we strive to know all things
our lives fathoming all that
journey adventure route
path ardous or pleasant
concieves for us
and for some things
it is but a wall
we lean out thoughts on
while behind us beside
us the ocean of space
like philosophy
the light behind us
in the cave
unaware of its existance
the light like magic

our Now
is precious
Ur poetry and writing
thoughts are here
as U are
In our Now we are
beautiful creatures

thank U

you have the wisdom of Solomon. You, Loved;y. and Ian see beyond events into another dimensijon.
we are the "music".

author comment

your comparison
All will be well
when ensues silence!

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