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Editing - rough draft

Night Shift

While my world sleeps
and the solitude of night
comes crashing in bringing thoughts
which fly around on strings
suspending kites of imagery's
that battle for their place
in mid-flight streams

The tug-o-war
of what was, what is,
and what might be pushes away
the possibility of sweet sleep
I wonder, will I ever rest?
I close my eyes so tight
but all I see on the curtain of my eyes
are the floating ghost
that look like bright lights


a spiral is a nice shape
round and round
up and down
three dimensional too

circles, they're ok
lines are cool
but, spirals-------------
-----(here, speechless)---

and playful
in graceful formulas,
and wonder

spirals wind,
and rewind
and remind me
of the universe
and my connection
with the ALL
and this,
by definition,


Your love asphyxiates, agitating
Stemming my breathe.
I'm struggling for air.

You apply more pressure,
an arm across my neck.
I'm  gasping for freedom.

Suffocating, squeezing so tight,
You're afraid to release me,
Scared I'll take flight.
You overwhelm me.
I’m dizzy and confused,
Losing consciousness.

Rest in Peace

Resting in peace beneath the earth
As the life that caused our existence
Goes back to heaven from whence it came
Ending the pain and suffering
Consuming our very soul

There Was a Time

There Was a Time

Crimson of Fear


Invisible but not voiceless,
This fire within me burning;
Fueled by things long since done;
Uncertain it would continue
And most certainly would one day end.

Resounding vermillion trains,
Travelling across frontier lands;
That began by fits and starts.
But this is just the beginning,
And most certainly is not the end.

Smearing the silence with my thoughts:
Scarlet ink on blue paper;
Conversing along the lines;
Uncertain it would continue,
And most certainly would one day end.

Through my Eyes

Through my eyes

You say you don’t feel beautiful
And you’re not the girl you were
You look into the mirror
It seem that things have changed

But baby,
you need to see what I see
And know you’re still the beauty
You’ve always been
Through my eyes

Don’t trust your eyes
For they only lie
I see how others look at you
And they want you as I do

So baby,
you need to see what I see
And know you’re still the beauty
You’ve always been
Through my eyes

Thy Voice May!

Thy Voice May!

If these be

Thy kind words

Of earnest poetic ecstasy

Rise along with the Phoenix

And abide with me

Of that I’m certain

God shall return thy voice to thee.

You shall in time walk

Along with me

But by then

I would be standing isolated

At the threshold of eternity

From where no man

Can ever return

Know this ye.

For I continue to be

A naïve passer by

Retain your love for some one else

I am only a finger

To help erase strife


Margaret Ann Waddicor October 13th 2010.

inflamed curses
slash open wounds;

Words whip like wind cast twigs
against casement vistas,
worn thin to shivering
pools shaken by your passing fling;

Slips stocking-tight
strangle my gullet,
bulge my eyes to see beside;

My skin hides flaps
descending with a clap
thunder plunders my desires;

Knee deep, limb deep,
I sweep you up so high,
my thighs aghast;


Come now children, gather near
you know that it's that time of year
when guiding stars adorn the sky
and reindeer are allowed to fly.

The recent harvest fills your tummy
with nuts and sweets and all things yummy.
Now is the best time to remember
if you've been good outside December.

'Cause Santa and his little band
have kept their tally close to hand.
All of those who haven't been so nice
soon will pay a heavy price.


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